Friday, December 30, 2016

Whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, Choose God - Part 3

Making wise choices is not always a simple matter. Decisions require good information. Yet it's possible to have good information and still allow personal character to override healthy choices. Balaam believed in God but refused to let God redeem his character, which is an issue for many in our society who say they believe in God.

There was something about Balaam's character that permitted him to hear God's voice and instructions, and then proceed to act contrary to God’s voice. In Numbers 22:32 the angel of the Lord told Balaam, "I have come to oppose you because your way is perverse before God." A perverse person such as Balaam is reckless and obstinate.

As you prepare to begin a new year, the opportunity to make important changes has come. Are you willing to cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s counsel and be a recipient of God’s favor and abundant blessings? Today you are privileged to pledge your faith in God’s leadership and purpose for your life. God bless you as you begin this journey.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, Choose God - Part 2

In the little Texas town where I grew up, life was basically ordinary and predictable. The pastor of our small Baptist church was also the town's plumber and electrician. As busy as he was, he was available, night or day, when anyone in this little community of six hundred needed him, regardless of church affiliation.

A thirty-something professional business woman lamented how dull, boring, and ordinary her life had become. She was at the point of becoming bitter because the limitations of her life were so confining and disappointing. Perhaps in subtle and not-so-subtle ways she came to expect not only instant gratification, but constant gratification.

Jesus observed in Matthew 19:24 that it’s “easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Jesus may have said this because it takes simple, ordinary faith to find meaning and purpose in the ordinary life God provides. Yet there is constant gratification in knowing you're secure in simple, ordinary faith.  

Monday, December 26, 2016

Whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, Choose God - Part 1

Most people seem destined to lead ordinary lives while others search for the unusual. Russian novelist Dostoevsky, who wrote Crime and Punishment, remarked that "all people appear divided into ordinary and extraordinary categories. Ordinary people usually follow the rule of law while extraordinary people may transgress the law if compelled to do so."

David, writing in the Psalms, complained about evil people bringing pain to himself and others but appearing to escape suffering for their evil deeds. David saw himself as an ordinary person chosen by God to lead an extraordinary life. However, David suffered immensely for deviating from God's boundaries.

Balaam, an unusual Old Testament prophet, searched for the extraordinary life that pushed him beyond what was acceptable to God. Yet God went after him to pull him back to the straight way. God sent Jesus to save both the ordinary and the extraordinary person because safe in the love of Jesus, we are all one. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 5

Today is Christmas Day, so I rejoice and gladly celebrate the coming of Christ Jesus. I am aware that peace and joy do not exist the world over. I realize there are protesters committed to disrupting God-appointed transitions on which our world needs to follow through. This was true of the world confronting Jesus immediately following his birth.

         However, God is aware of what boundaries need to be established so His good purpose can come to fruition. God’s great gift to each of us is peace in our heart, mind, and soul, made possible by Christ Jesus. “My peace I leave with you” was Jesus’ promise to anxious disciples, and to us on this wonderful day. Merry Christmas and God bless you! 

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 4

During this wonderful time of the year, God graciously provides opportunities to celebrate the good news that Christ Jesus came to give us reasons to be joyful. “Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what God has done.” As I activate this privilege, I’m compelled to pray for relatives and friends who must contend with troublesome issues.

          Jesus came to be the Great Physician, our comforter, friend, and redeemer. Knowing this encourages me to embrace those who are stuck in circumstances so dreadful that I can only imagine what it’s like to be in their place. I ask God to provide me with courage to be a blessing to those whom I know need His and my kindness. May God bless you with peace and joy. Merry Christmas! 

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 3

When babies are placed into our care, we are then responsible for making choices to guide them through each stage of growth and development. This is to insure they will possess good emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Whether we acknowledge it or not, there is a myriad of God-appointed individuals whose purpose is to serve and be a blessing to us.

         During God-appointed transitions, it’s important to pray for those who guide us through critical changes. God sent Christ Jesus to be a very present help when life is stressful and we’re struggling. As we accept God’s gift of Christ Jesus, we are encouraged to pray for those God predestined to represent us. May you be blessed with the peace of Christ Jesus. Merry Christmas and God bless you!

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 2

We’re all confronted with change that may not be easy to accept into our thinking and belief patterns. Transitions often collide with anxiety and fear, which produce opposition to God-appointed changes that are destined to take place. What helps to reduce anxiety and fear associated with transitions is the belief that they are appointed by God Almighty.

When God sent Jesus to be the Messiah, God alone possessed in-depth knowledge of the appointed transitions awaiting his people. “To God be the glory, great things he has done.  So loved he the world that he gave us his Son, who yielded his life an atonement for sin, and opened the lifegate that all may go in.” God grant you peace and joy. Merry Christmas and God bless you!


To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Tuesday-Saturday, December 20-24. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 1

Change is a reality each person confronts as the United States inaugurates a different philosophy for managing our wonderful system of government. The Lord God Almighty intends for there to be change, and as we are willing to accept change, we experience the peace God gives. God is in charge of his world and will establish his good purpose and perfect plan for his people.

Can you imagine the world Jesus came to save two thousand years ago, or the transitions that God’s people have endured since that time? What secures a nation in the midst of transitions are the prayers of faith and gratitude that God’s people faithfully practice. May God give you peace as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, his Son. Merry Christmas and God bless you!    


To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 4

Every Christian has two conflicting natures which consist of desires and attitudes that often battle for dominance. God’s word informs us that Jesus had our human nature, but without the weakness that permits us to sin and fall short of God’s glory. Balaam, the Old Testament prophet and sorcerer, wanted to be God’s spokesman but permitted evil desires to nullify that calling.

God told him to renounce this evil, but he could not resist exploring what was forbidden by God. This compulsion to explore the world of evil would lead him along the path of destruction. While it's apparent we all have this tendency, the choices we make determine the extent of our shame and humiliation.

It's possible to stand against the temptations to defy God's purpose and plan. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled." To hunger and thirst is to crave the peace and joy that only Christ Jesus provides. It means finding satisfaction and contentment with what God supplies to you. 

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers. 

On Monday, December 19, and again beginning December 26, my blog posts will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 3

Doing good doesn't come easy even when we are committed to do so from the depths of our heart. Jesus never varied from the path of righteousness, but he had to dodge taking the easy, less obstructed pathway. Jim Grace’s book Quarantine speaks of Satan's attempt to pull Jesus away from what he knew was God's plan for himself. Satan obstructs the way to heaven with evil allurements.

Jim Grace said, "God's cushioned finger would take Jesus by the elbow and ease him from the devil's grasp with his word."  Satan's business is to make temptation look sweet, but once stung by temptation and sin, escape is possible only by God's grace. The sting may go on indefinitely, but we manage the sting by knowing God’s grace is greater than all our sins.

Jesus said, "Wide is the gate, and broad is the road that leads to destruction." God stands ready to take us by the elbow and hand and help us back onto the straight way. This is our hope.  

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 2

Balaam, an Old Testament believer in God, portrays an unusual personality. His belief system allowed him to mix unacceptable behavior with God’s truth. God permitted Balaam to explore the unrighteousness of evil, which he did with such eagerness and disregard for God’s boundaries that he provoked God to anger.

Yet God sent an angel to prevent his fall into destruction. The moment he sees the angel Balaam confesses his sin. Yet he is still trying to find a loophole so he can proceed with this allurement into unrighteousness? Satan's grip can ratchet down the heart, soul, and mind so tightly that escape from his captivity seems impossible.

A short time later Balaam is beating his donkey, urging her onward because he refuses to turn loose of what’s driving him to go against God's purpose and will. Great damage is done to oneself and others when repentance is not sincere and real. What God desires is a broken and contrite heart. This paves the way for mercy and forgiveness.  

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers. 

On Monday, December 19, and again beginning December 26, my blog posts will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 1

The story of Balaam in Numbers 22 tells of a person who believed in God, yet moved to the edge of inappropriate moral judgment. He apparently enjoyed balancing the tantalizing effects of dancing with evil and pursuing God’s purpose for his life. Ambivalence permitted him to explore evil and become captivated by it.

Balaam yielded to temptation by considering evil proposals made to him by people of influence and power. To convince himself it was OK, Balaam may have asked childishly, "Why can't I do it? What will it hurt?" The permissive will of God allowed Balaam to choose, but God’s anger was provoked when He observed Balaam’s eagerness to participate in evil.

Balaam made a grave error in judgement by allowing himself to dance with unrighteousness, including an agreement to place a curse on the Hebrew people. This act of defiance hardened his heart toward God. A warning for God's people is, be aware of the allurement of evil. Accept God’s escape from temptation so your heart can remain clean.  

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers. 

On Monday, December 19, and again beginning December 26, my blog posts will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Half-hearted Prophets and Compromised Faith - Part 3

Compromise can be seen as positive or negative.  Every soul has had to cope with its implications. Lawsuits are often settled by compromise. Without compromise, legislation would not become law. A popular song a few decades back had this haunting line, "I've done a load of compromising on the road to my horizons."

Balaam, an Old Testament personality compromised his belief in God on the road to his horizons. The book of Jude issues this warning. “Woe to those who blindly pursue wealth while disregarding God’s will and purpose for their lives.” Balaam needed power and recognition in addition to wealth. He flirted with evil by thinking he was above reaping evil’s penalties.

God's word tells you to resist compromising your faith, to resist Satan so he will flee from you. God sends warning signs when you begin to consider compromise and temptation.  God sent an angel to rebuke Balaam, but tragically his heart was unwilling to heed the angel’s words. Compromise can be resisted when you love God with all your heart, soul and mind.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Half-hearted Prophets and Compromised Faith - Part 2

Becoming a half-hearted follower of Christ Jesus may be connected to discounting God’s purpose and plan for your life. Being a follower of Jesus does not come easily, and no clear-thinking Christian would say their life has been free of temptations and obstructions. Some people mistakenly think they will escape hardship and pain if they acquire wealth and power.

Balaam, an Old Testament character, acknowledged God verbally but was committed to practicing sin and evil. Perhaps Balaam was never fully committed to God, but sometimes served him either out of fear or because he was better off economically and socially for having done so. St. Paul makes it clear that “the wages of sin is death.”

Sin creates a half-hearted, lukewarm desire to serve Christ Jesus. God, however, is a keen observer and will erect obstructions as a rebuke so we can return to the straight way, the way of righteousness. While adversity is hard to cope with, God will provide a way not only to cope, but to find opportunity for growth and change.  

Monday, December 5, 2016

Half-hearted Prophets and Compromised Faith - Part 1

Adversity has the tendency to harden the heart and create bitterness or even despair. Some ways people try to avoid adversity are by changing jobs, moving, getting divorced, or trying to manage their hurt and pain by seeking short-lived pleasures. Balaam, the Old Testament prophet, left the straight narrow way to run after wealth and escape the obstructions of poverty.

It wasn't just lusting after riches that pulled Balaam off the straight path.  He wanted to escape a lifestyle of being a con man who lived a life of deception. The heart of the matter was that adversity had hardened his heart and created a sick, unhealthy way of thinking which led to abandoning God’s purpose for his life.

Balaam, a half-hearted prophet, refused to follow God's instructions after permitting unrighteousness to get a foothold in his life. Unrighteousness included unhealthy thought patterns, unwholesome feelings, and sinful actions which he refused to reject. You wage war on unrighteousness with God's word and prayer. May God bless and keep you close to himself.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Allow Obstacles to Build Your Faith - Part 3

Have you ever approached a crossroads where you knew the decision you would make was out of compliance with God's will and your conscience? Also that dire consequences hung in the balance for yourself and others? Balaam, an Old Testament sorcerer, would cast curses on people for a price. Amazingly, he actually had begun his work as a true prophet of God.

At a transitional crossroads he became a minister for evil. Numbers 22 identifies Balaam being hired to cast a curse on the Hebrew people, who were on their way to the Promised Land. If successful, he could name his own price for his evil deed. God, however, commanded Balaam to abstain from his evil exploits.

The con man within Balaam tried to balance God’s command with own his greed and desire for wealth. He found justification for choosing financial security. He let ambition overrule the admonition to love God with all his heart so God could provide eternal security. The best choice is to always honor and obey God's commands.   

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Allow Obstacles to Build Your Faith - Part 2

Numbers 22 presents the story of Balaam and his donkey. It conveys a godly lesson for us. Balaam believed God was the only true God but used his God-given skills to satisfy his monetary greed. The king of Moab persuaded him to put a curse on the Hebrew people and, if successful, he’d be rich.

Balaam became so blinded by temptation, he could not understand that the obstructions God placed before him were designed for his good. For monetary security and short-lived glory, he was willing to disregard God's will. To what extent is God willing to go, to prevent you from doing something destructive to yourself and others?

Balaam's donkey tried to stop him. She turned off the road onto a field, lay down on the ground and ran into a wall, crushing his foot. Balaam continued beating his donkey, even as the angel of God blocked her way. This clearly demonstrates God’s attempt to reach us as well as our determination to resist God’s love and protection.  

Monday, November 28, 2016

Allow Obstacles to Build Your Faith - Part 1

Frustrating obstacles often clog the pathway to our hopes and dreams. We have no choice in whether obstructions turn up, but we do have choices in how they are managed. Obstacles could be perceived as faith-builders, even as encouragers. A humorous example is found in Numbers 22. Balaam, a mercenary prophet, is saved from annihilation by his donkey.

The king of Moab feared the Hebrew people, who needed to pass through
his country on their way to the promised land. He recruited Balaam to put a curse on the Israelites. This action displeased God, so obstructions were created to prevent Balaam from carrying out the king's plan.

While on his way to place the curse, Balaam's donkey saw an angel of God standing in the road with a drawn sword. The donkey could see what Balaam could not. Finally, Balaam understood the obstruction and confessed his sin. Accepting God’s obstructions as faith-builders is a choice, but it illustrates God's determination to save you. For this, you should thank God.  

Friday, November 25, 2016

Milestones of Commitment: Don't Turn Back! - Part 3

The fact that you’re alive indicates that faith and hope are possible for your future. There will be difficult times when circumstances require courage as you come to a crossroads where godly choices are critical. No matter how secure you feel nor how free from trouble you’ve been, life insures that changes will be required somewhere in the future.

Everyone has or will have crossroads experiences that challenge your purpose for living. Reaching a milestone is a point of departure from the old way and is indicative that real change is coming. Each developmental stage of life requires changes that cannot be avoided. While it's true that old, unhealthy attitudes can be retained, most people in time will discard these.

Maximizing a milestone experience requires being vulnerable to seeking God's best plan and then patiently waiting for his guidance. When your eyes, ears, heart, and mind are open and receptive, God will not be late or silent. It’s within God's character to respond to all who seek him, and he promises to be found. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Milestones of Commitment: Don't Turn Back! - Part 2

Have you ever been lost? I mean really lost where it was difficult to find your way? Now we have GPS to tell us exactly where we are in addition to how far we are from our destination. Even with the best technology to help make a course correction, we’re still subject to bad choices.

There are many ways to get lost when distractions are so prevalent. Entertainment news presented a young actress who became addicted to drugs and alcohol as a teenager and remained so until her mid-twenties. She essentially lost touch with herself, her family, and the talents God had given her. Taking that wrong turn was a personal choice.

This young woman reached a positive milestone when she chose sobriety and committed to staying that way. Choosing righteousness over evil set her free from habits that had kept her bound up in sin. Committing your life to Christ without reservations is a milestone that endures for eternity. It means choosing a God-centered pathway for your life.  

Monday, November 21, 2016

Milestones of Commitment: Don't Turn Back! - Part 1

A milestone for Jesus came at Gethsemane as he realized his hour had come. There could be no turning back, no cowardice, even as suffering and death were immanent. A milestone is a cross-over point from which turning back is not seen as a good choice. The burning bush was a cross-over event for Moses, in both his personal life and his relationship with God.

When an infant begins to walk, walking becomes preferential except when crawling is necessary. Children experience several milestones – physically, emotionally, and mentally – which are natural occurrences for each child. After adolescence, adults continue to progress through different but predictable developmental stages.

Jesus began his ministry at age thirty, which is a major milestone for most people, as youthful looks begin to take on an older look and a new stage of development is set in motion. The good news is, maturity takes a step forward for most people. It pleases God to see his people mature and become the individuals he intends to bless.  

Friday, November 18, 2016

Milestones: Turn Obstructions into Opportunities - Part 3

Milestones indicate that a significant change is taking place for an individual or family. Milestones are benchmarks that identify personal objectives and values of a person or group. These benchmarks help us test the true values of others who intercept our lives. Milestones can occur by carefully planning and eloquently executing a particular objective.

Whether a milestone proves to be a moral high point or a disaster depends on the ethics and spiritual fiber of those involved. A spiritual milestone occurs at the moment of conversion and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. This choice serves as a reference point indicating that a new walk, purpose, and direction for one's life is taking place.

Infants begin the process of perfecting their ability to walk and run as well as learning to speak and communicate like their parents. We as Christians also must be committed to perfecting our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ by growing and maturing in faith and loving God’s word. This helps us procure favor with God and man.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Milestones: Turn Obstructions into Opportunities - Part 2

Parents have the privilege of observing their infant reach milestones when he or she begins to sit alone, crawl, pull up, and take that unassisted first step. They will fall down, collect bumps and bruises, but still there is great delight when observing children make these advancements.

When an adolescent graduates from high school or perhaps college and finds a job, parents rejoice and celebrate. How about getting married and becoming a parent? Milestones are indicative of a turning point from which there is no turning back. These high points indicate growth and maturity as well as commitment to accept higher levels of responsibility.

Jesus reached a significant milestone as he submitted to being baptized when he was about thirty years old. No longer was he just a carpenter or the son of Mary and Joseph. The Holy Spirit announced he was indeed the Son of God, whose objective was to be the Messiah and Savior of all mankind. Milestones are indicators of change and purpose, so be alert to choose God's purpose as you reach these benchmarks.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Milestones: Turn Obstructions into Opportunities - Part 1

If you read the Gospels thoroughly you soon would discover how prevalent obstructions were in the life of Jesus. Even before Jesus was born Joseph, who was engaged to Mary, was ready to abandon her when he realized she was pregnant. However, God told Joseph by way of a dream that Mary’s pregnancy was acceptable because it was an immaculate conception.

While Jesus was fasting in a desert wilderness, Satan began actively laying out obstructions comprised of promises to give him an easy way to fame and fortune. Jesus countered Satan’s obstructions with God's Word, which in effect neutralized Satan’s power to control him. We, like Jesus, can turn obstructions into opportunities to grow, to become stronger and please God with our choices to serve him and him alone.

These scriptures demonstrate that Jesus was prepared to encounter temptations and obstructions regardless of their source. You can show the world you’re a Christian and far from powerless when faced with obstructions of any magnitude that Satan may place before you. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Looking Back, Moving Forward - Part 3

We as people tend to view obstructions negatively, as having power to diminish our happiness and peace. Obstacles impede progress toward planned objectives while becoming a source of frustration. Changing one's perspective is difficult, but it’s possible to view obstructions as teachers and opportunities for positive change. Perhaps God intends for obstructions to slow us down so we can view life differently.

How can obstructions become teachers for positive change? A doctor in his early forties who seemed perfectly healthy began to feel severe and chronic fatigue and reluctantly submitted to a complete physical exam. Immediately his colleagues confirmed he had cancer.

Any Illness is an obstruction to health and must be confronted. For this doctor, cancer was a wake-up call. It taught him to value life and every moment as precious. Jesus remind us not to get so caught up in the pressures of living we forget what matters for eternity. “This is your day, the day God has made, so rejoice and be glad for it.”  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Looking Back, Moving Forward - Part 2

Memories have the capacity for being a blessing that provides contentment and joy. However, memories can be obstructions to our feelings of well-being and may contribute to a life-style of underachievement. We consistently come to crossroads where our choices remain permanently marked in our memories.

The Old Testament patriarch Jacob had left home as a young man under duress after he and his mother had conspired against his brother Esau to steal their father's blessing. While sleeping on a lonely dark road, he had dreamed about a ladder extending from earth up to heaven. There God had spoken to him and made a covenant to give him and his descendants the land where he was sleeping.

The memory of deceitfully conspiring against his brother would continually haunt him, but now he had the memory of that dream and a commitment to honor God with his life. As sinful as Jacob and his mother had been, God favored him. God sees beyond the moment to a future time when a person will change, mature, and live up to his or her potential. Jesus saw this in the apostle Paul.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

Looking Back, Moving Forward - Part 1

You’re aware of how some memories persevere for a lifetime while others fade into obscurity. A few rare memories are like sweet cream dessert, but others can be so awful we do our best to avoid them. Most of our memories include a combination of happy and sad experiences, sparking our emotions that span a range from joyful to disturbing.

When children are severely criticized and rejected, they may develop survival skills to help them reach their highest potential and yet continue to feel an emptiness that success is incapable of filling. Being disfavored leaves a child or an adult feeling impoverished, like the black sheep of the family. Yet it's possible to replace this perspective with God’s perspective.

No one makes it through life with only positive memories, but God will heal wounds we’ve acquired at every stage of life. Pain created by memories shrink as you permit God to do his work of cleansing and forgiving. You are favored by God, so deposit this reality into your memory bank. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Remember! God Favors You - Part 3

When the people of Israel ended their forty-year residence in the desert, it was time to claim the promised land. Their journey, which had begun in Egypt, ended at the Jordan River near Jericho. Joshua, their leader and commander appointed by Moses, told the people, "Consecrate yourselves to the Lord God. Tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."

These people were to go forward to conquer the land. This is not unlike what God asks you to do as you go out to confront the tasks of making a living, parenting children, or just surviving the day. God wanted his people to remember he favored them and they would be successful regardless how the odds seemed stacked against them.

It's important to remember how God favors you by getting you through desperate situations that seemed impossible to navigate. Do not forget that God believes in you and regards you as his treasure and dear possession.  It's difficult to get that fixed into your consciousness, isn't it? You are his treasure and prized possession. He will never forget you!   

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Remember! God Favors You - Part 2

The pastor of a metropolitan church states unequivocally that God favors those who put their trust and faith in Christ Jesus. Do you realize how significant it is to be favored by God? We tend to forget and consequentially fail to appreciate the benefits of such a privilege. God's word assures us we can't begin to imagine what God has in store for those who love him.

Someone revealed how frustrated she felt because God seemed so distant. She felt frightened, lonely, and powerless because of the loss of God’s presence she’d known since childhood. Another person asked, "Why doesn't God cut me some slack and give me a break? I'm struggling and desperately need help that only God can provide!"

Search your heart, confess your sins, and repent by turning from every wrongdoing. God will forgive you and remember your sins no more. Do not forget, God favors you and will send resources to aid you when it is in your best interest for him do so. Seek God with all your heart and he will be found. While God may not be early, he will never be late.  

Monday, October 31, 2016

Remember! God Favors You - Part 1

Memories are a wonderful function of the brain. Even the most complex super computer cannot match the human brain’s memory. God intended for us to remember, so he gave us this capacity to register experiences, thoughts, and feelings. We can remember feelings like fear and anger when we can't recall the complete conversation that created the feelings.

Memories keep us on track when a promise or commitment was made to a significant person or to God. A young mother was so seriously injured in an auto accident that death seemed imminent. Hanging on to life in the ambulance, she promised God to love and serve him all her days if he would let her live.

That promise has been a memorial she returns to when troubles, trials, and temptations come to dislodge her from that promise. Another core memory that anchors her day-to-day living is the commitment she made to Christ Jesus when she accepted him as Lord and Savior as a young girl. Memories can be a powerful positive force that serve us faithfully throughout life.  

Friday, October 28, 2016

Feeling Afraid? Remember Your Faith in God - Part 3

Fear is one of the culprits that prevent capable individuals from seizing their highest potential. So many persons have excellent possibilities, but can't seem to find the confidence to pursue their ideals. Even when opportunity is present, fear or anxiety may evolve into procrastination, causing hesitation until the opportunity has passed.

Submitting to fear and mediocrity undervalues your ability to reach higher. Mediocrity can be comfortable and safe but cannot quiet the inner voice that knows there’s an untapped higher purpose. Disappointment with oneself because of failure to utilize untapped possibilities challenges us to rise above mediocrity and press on toward the high calling we know is possible.

We discover God’s perfect plan when we’re willing to let go of the familiar and venture into the unknown. Consider Abraham, who left familiar surroundings for an unknown land - God's promise to give to him and his descendants, who would evolve into a nation. He activated the faith God gave him and reached for his highest potential.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Feeling Afraid? Remember Your Faith in God - Part 2

There are unexpected moments in life when a good, positive memory is made that lasts forever. Some memories are so powerful they haunt us in ways that are uncomfortable or even disturbing. These we try to suppress, especially if they’re overlaid with guilt or shame or if they’re associated with anxiety, anger, or resentment.

Memories are stored in our brain like a savings account where they’re held in trust, ready to be examined or relived if a stimulant strong enough ignites and brings them to remembrance. God’s word declares, “All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.” Sin produces bad, negative memories, but here’s the good news. When we confess our sins and repent, we are forgiven and made right with God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

When negative memories surface, confront these intruders with the fact that God dealt with them by cleansing and washing you clean through confession and forgiveness. The reality of dealing with unwanted memories from this point of view creates new memories that result in peace and joy.  

Monday, October 24, 2016

Feeling Afraid? Remember Your Faith in God - Part 1

Each day can be a test to see if fear has impacted your decisions or destiny. Fear can have a positive influence as Psalm 111:15 declares, "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Psalm 19:9 states that "Fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever." The Psalmist sees fear of the Lord as a guiding light that provides a sense of safety and well-being.

At the other end of the spectrum are individuals who submit to a type of fear that diminishes the joy God intends for them to experience. We humans have the capacity to project ourselves into situations that can be crippling. Fear can stifle our creativity and overwhelm the purpose God designed for us.

Instead of yielding to destructive fear, say to yourself, "I am a child of God! He has given me the Holy Spirit to guide and direct my path.” Abraham obeyed God’s calling to become a man of faith, to stand firm and claim the opportunities He set before him. God will bless and help you.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

Defeat Fear of Failure: Choose Faith - Part 3

Most children grow up planning to achieve their dreams. Young children tend to have big dreams because fear of reaching to the very edge of their capabilities has not become a reality. A young man's parents told him he was not intelligent enough to be a physician like his grandfather, who had assured him he could do it with commitment and hard work.

This young man graduated from Princeton University and medical school, and now serves as a physician with a large practice. He had to overcome self-doubts and fears as well as negative voices that were determined to diminish his enthusiasm. However, greater were the encouragement of his grandfather and the voice of God's love and purpose.

Deliberately choosing to be less than you're capable of being because of fear invites unhappiness. Self-doubt and fear are temptations. The Apostle Paul assures you that God will provide an escape from temptation's power so you can rise up against it. Believing God’s promises and acting upon them is God’s provision for defeating fear’s power. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Defeat Fear of Failure: Choose Faith - Part 2

While I was serving in the military after graduation from high school, it was customary to hear disgruntled voices complaining about duty assignments. I also was dissatisfied with my assignment. When I was stationed in Florida, I became friends with a young man who appeared too bright and intelligent for his assigned duty.

I often hear clients grieving over wasted years spent in a career for which they were unsuited. A woman related how she gave up opportunities to excel when she was in her twenties because she feared failure. What perpetuates this attitude? Could it be failure to trust the capabilities that God himself has given to you for achieving his good purpose?

It’s scary to think of being stretched to the limit of your capabilities. Failure to live up to your capabilities could be driven by fear of future failures. However, fear can be overcome by trust and faith in God's purpose for you. God's perfect love conquers fear, so depend on your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to control fear’s power.  

Monday, October 17, 2016

Defeat Fear of Failure: Choose Faith - Part 1

Addressing the nation after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He was aware that fear can be a powerful obstruction to taking positive, decisive action. Submitting to fear may be regretted later when the end result did not meet expectations.

With every opportunity it is not unusual to experience doubt, even fear, for opportunities require change. Self-doubt can be a significant obstacle because of negative thinking patterns like: "I can't do it!” “I'm not smart enough!” “What if I fail?” Negative thought patterns are obstructions to confidence and can be destructive to self-esteem and self-assurance.

Fear conflicts with faith, so when fear gets a grip, refocus your faith on Christ Jesus and 1 John 4:18. "There is no fear in love for perfect love casts out fear." The object of perfect love is Christ Jesus, who gives faith and strength to overpower fear. So when fear sets its a trap, focus on God's purpose and love for you. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

At a Crossroads? Get Out of the Rut and Reach Higher - Part 3

Submission was never intended to be a nasty word, but it's not uncommon for the word to bring up strong opposition in both men and women. Ephesians 5:21 instructs Christians to "submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." Healthy parenting teaches children to be submissive to rules and authority, for failure to do so could result in long-lasting sorrow for both parent and child.

Submission is required for taking advantage of opportunities that come your way. Opposition to submission can become an obstruction to success. Submission reflects obedience, which is another word that’s hard to swallow and digest. Jeremiah 26:13 implores us to "stop sinning and obey the Lord."

Submission is a good, godly word, but it can be abused. It's important to remember that submission is what you do voluntarily, for being forced to submit isn’t submission at all. Submission to God's laws, his love, and his care for you requires your freedom to choose. Christ Jesus would not have it any other way, but doing so guarantees his blessings. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

At a Crossroads? Get Out of the Rut and Reach Higher - Part 2

Mapping the brain continues to be an objective of scientists who research this magnificent, mysterious part of our body. Mapping the brain helps doctors diagnose, treat, and heal physical and mental disorders. The brain seems so complex, we tend to give it little consideration. The reason is, we’re busy making needed pathways through the difficulties and complexities of life.

It’s on these pathways that we come to a crossroads where circumstances require us to choose what is possible or impossible. After fifteen years of marriage a husband presented his wife with a divorce decree, due in part to her withdrawal of affection. While there was no stated reason for the withdrawal, he was firm in seeking the divorce.

Help for managing shock, hurt, and confusion at a crossroads is found in Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." What clearer map could you choose to follow?

Monday, October 10, 2016

At a Crossroads? Get Out of the Rut and Reach Higher - Part 1

Getting into a rut is relatively easy. All it takes is following a pattern of behavior for months or years. Dedicated to his practice, a young attorney paid his dues working long hours and weekends. Long, stressful days created fatigue and irritability, so when he arrived home, he was unable to provide the affection and acceptance his family longed to receive from him.

He progressively became alienated from his family, totally missing out on the blessings of being a husband and father. After years of alienation he came to a significant crossroads. As an older man, he was forced to choose between being a workaholic and being submissive to what God intended a husband and father to give and receive.

While his marriage may be irreconcilable, there is hope for being friends with the woman who once loved him. Reaching out to his children, he hopes to achieve some semblance of reconciliation. God's word reminds us that what seems impossible can be possible with God. Asking, seeking and knocking, while grasping on to patience, can be a winning formula.  

Friday, October 7, 2016

Shaping Life Scripts at the Crossroads - Part 3

Confronting oneself at a critical crossroads can be a life-changing experience. Consider the young man who had every opportunity to excel, but started doing drugs in high school. His intelligence permitted him to squeeze the system enough to look good and sound good, fooling everyone including him-self. At thirty he was a financial wreck, and his marriage was so shaky it could end any day.                       

Then a friend invited him to attend a church that was different from the one where he had been confirmed as a child. At this new church he encountered another crossroads. He had to look at his life that was gutter-bound. He knew he had to completely change the disastrous life script he lived by.

The sermons he heard at this church gave him hope, but it was the love and encouragement of the congregation that gave him courage to choose Christ Jesus plus a life script that would save his life and marriage. Joshua said it best. "Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me, I will serve the Lord God." There is no better choice. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Shaping Life Scripts at the Crossroads - Part 2

Ben Johnson was offered a major role in the movie, "The Last Picture Show," but refused to play the part because of the script’s dirty language. He finally agreed to take the role when he was allowed to delete language he opposed. He believed foul language wasn’t necessary for an outstanding script. Ben Johnson won an Oscar for his performance in that movie.

He knew he alone was accountable to God for his self-esteem, integrity, and conscience; therefore, he refused to condone filthy language. Psychologist Abraham Maslow said, “The lower one's self-esteem, the greater will be a person's loneliness, unhappiness, and interpersonal incompetence." Foolish, reckless choices damage self-esteem.

Psalm 1 describes the benefits of choosing wisely. “The righteous prosper, but not the wicked. They are like chaff that the wind blows away. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” Like Ben Johnson, you will stand at the crossroads to confront your choices. God will give you wisdom to choose his righteousness.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Shaping Life Scripts at the Crossroads - Part 1

It seems that some people have a natural winning formula for success and happiness while others fit into the opposite category. To be self-sufficient and productive, it appears from a distance that successful individuals have life scripts written out, and all they have to do is roll with the flow of opportunities.

A man in his thirties said he was encouraged by his parents to become a molecular biologist. Being intelligent and motivated, he thought it made sense to comply with his parents’ encouragement. Approaching mid-life feeling dissatisfied and conflicted, he now questions his choice. However, obligations and so much responsibility make change a distant dream.

This man is at a crossroads where decisions affect himself, his career, and his family. What helps him choose wisely is the wellspring of hope from Psalm 1. “The man who delights in the laws of God and follows his will is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in due season. Whatever he does prospers.” This is a winning formula for success.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Rewriting Your Life Script? Set Boundaries - Part 3

Can you imagine going back in time to change significant choices you made at a younger age? Being older and wiser indicates the probability for choosing differently. Some would even like to rewrite their entire life script composed of experiences, decisions, and the direction their life took over the years.

Some things are unalterable. You can't change who your parents were or the environment you were exposed to growing up, but you can change your attitude. Altering daily routines to allow for more flexibility isn't easy, but it's not impossible. God’s grace and mercy and the insight he provides allow for a new script to be written on how you will order your life for the remainder of your days.

Psalm 1 refers to a life script God will bless. "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord on which he meditates day and night.” This is not easy, but a choice that honors Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Rewriting Your Life Script? Set Boundaries - Part 2

Opportunities for making significant changes in one’s lifestyle rarely occur. When it does happen the opportunity may slip away if the willingness to be accountable is missing. Taking responsibility for the cost or sacrifice that change demands is the issue. A young woman desperately wanted her marriage to heal from the anger and jealousy that had torn it apart. 

For reconciliation to be possible she would have to change her inordinate attachment and dependency on her parents. Her husband refused to reconcile until she was willing to set boundaries on her parent’s influence and control. Throughout her marriage, she had blamed her husband for their ever-present conflict.

Although this young woman's intentions were sincere, she refused to enforce the boundaries she knew were needed. Mature love is what adults crave and seek, but becomes possible only when God’s instructions to leave parents and cleave to each other are set in motion. While this may be difficult, God will provide the means to do so where a firm choice is set in place.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Rewriting Your Life Script? Set Boundaries - Part 1

Blaming others for our troubles and hardships is often a first line of defense. Accusations range from absurd to ridiculous and on to laughable. You’ve heard the story of the student who didn't do his homework. When the teacher asked him to produce it, he excused himself by blaming his dog, whom he accused of eating it.

Blame is a form of deception that tries to hide our inadequacies. Blame attempts to make something or someone responsible for our own bad choices. In reality, it's an effort to sidestep accountability by refusing to be submissive to the truth. Believing that if you escape the immediate consequences of a bad choice, you will escape them indefinitely, simply isn't true.

Learning to set boundaries on blaming others and to accept responsibility for your decisions a critical choice. God directs us to confess our sin and failures, for through confession, we override the impulse to blame others. The old adage of confession being good for your soul has viability. Confession paves the way for an honest relationship with God and others.  

Friday, September 23, 2016

Facing the Giants of Life - Part 3

The strongest and most faithful Christian is vulnerable to sin and failure. Moses succumbed to disobedience and was held accountable by God, who instituted severe consequences. Moses’ disobedience demonstrated an unwillingness to be submissive to God and those he was responsible for leading during a difficult period of transition.

Getting fixated in negative thinking obstructs feelings of happiness and joy while possibly preventing a normal progression toward positive opportunities and success. All the Hebrew people twenty years of age and older who had come out of Egypt would be prohibited from possessing the promised land because they refused to be submissive to God's leadership.

Blaming others or God for our troubles demonstrates an unwillingness to make appropriate, healthy choices. Yet regardless of how daunting our troubles and challenges appear, God will deliver us safely to wherever he is directing us. He requires us to move forward in faith, believing in his promise to help us overcome every obstruction.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Facing the Giants of Life - Part 2

In life’s journey, cruel, bad things happen to good people because evil exists in the hearts and minds of those whose mission is to harm others. Justifiable punishment is right for those who perpetrate evil on the undeserving. Blaming others for our lack of achievement and failing to be accountable is often a defense for lack of courage and faith.

The majority of the men whom Moses sent to survey the land God promised believed Israel was incapable of taking it from the giants who possessed it. Listen to their exaggerated analysis. "The people living there are powerful giants and their cities are fortified and well defended." They believed God was incapable helping them, so they exaggerated the obstructions.

They blamed God for placing impossible barriers in their way and believed death awaited them if they engaged the giants who possess the land. They failed to trust in God's provision and protection. Whatever you’re facing, believe "you can do all things through Christ who will empower you to do what appears impossible." 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Facing the Giants of Life - Part 1

Opportunities will invariably include some obstructions. Obstructions are deterrents that can obscure success. The Hebrew people chose wandering the desert forty years rather than facing giants that possessed the land God had promised to give them. Fear prevented them from following God’s guidelines that would insure their success.

Refusing to take advantage of the opportunities God makes available demonstrates lack of courage to step out in faith and be accountable. Numbers 14 gives evidence of this process in action. Listen to the voice of protest and blame. "If only we had died in Egypt or in this desert. Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?"

They cried out against exaggerated obstructions while rejecting God’s promise of victory. God's promises always embrace possibilities for victory. He does require that you be submissive to his directives and, with the faith he provides, confront the real or imagined giants. He will empower you with his strength, so victory is assured.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Overcome Obstructions: Submit to God - Part 3

In Numbers 14 the Hebrew people refused to follow God's chosen plan to claim the promised land flowing with milk and honey. Time was of the essence! A decision had to be made and action taken to acquire God's blessing. I'm always amazed by predictable opposition to the clearest of God's directives.

          Were these people unaware they were accountable to God for their lack of submissiveness and to the reality that God's timing determines success or failure? Whatever the opportunity, giants, however they’re defined, will have to be subdued. The obstruction for the Hebrew people was a failure of faith that God would be with them and go before them to ensure victory.

          Listen as 1 John 5:4 gives us courage to step up to the plate and be submissive to God's leadership. "Everyone who is a child of God overcomes the world and our faith gives the victory that overcomes the world." To overcome means to subdue our fears and doubt and move forward in faith under the protection and presence Christ Jesus will provide.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Overcome Obstructions: Submit to God - Part 2

What does the phrase, “time is of the essence,” mean to you? It implies an essential need to take immediate action. In Numbers 13 Moses sent a team of men to explore the promised land. Two brought back a good report encouraging Moses to immediately take possession of this rich land of opportunity. It was the moment to take delivery on what God provided.

However, obstructions consisting of fear and doubt gave loud voice to objections that resulted in forty years of wandering in the desert of poverty rather than enjoying the prosperity of a land filled with milk and honey. God's allowed Israel to sabotage a great opportunity by rejecting his perfect plan and timing.

It's hard to let go of what is known, yet God will ask us to do that. God expects us to be submissive to his leadership and to act accordingly. We will be held accountable for our choices. However, God’s love and goodness, his insight and wisdom, give us confidence to make changes that correspond to the opportunities he places before us.  

Monday, September 12, 2016

Overcome Obstructions: Submit to God - Part 1

Relationships thrive where peace is present. Peace is listed after love and joy in Galatians 5:22 as a fruit of the Spirit. Jesus said he would give peace to those who put their faith and trust in him. The peace he promised is not a fragile peace like the world gives, but the peace of God identified as a fruit of the Spirit that gives believers confidence.

Satan creates obstructions to negate God’s peace and must be confronted with the armor Jesus makes available to Christians to protect them from attempts to negate the peace Jesus provides. Blaming others for our shortcomings and failures is an obstruction we choose when we, by our own volition, submit to temptation.

While there are many obstructions, God provides ways to overcome every hurdle and stumbling block. When we stand ready to be accountable for our failures by seeking forgiveness, God restores the peace he promised. “When you seek God with all your heart, He will be found.”  This is an affirmation that secures peace for the weary soul.  

Friday, September 9, 2016

Seize Opportunity: It's Our Responsibility - Part 3

The success of a worthy mission or project depends on participants being accountable and submissive. Some people bristle at the thought of being accountable by thinking it’s an invasion of privacy. However, most opportunities require accountability and submissiveness to rules and procedures that ensure tasks are completed within an acceptable time frame.

Regardless of how promising an opportunity appears, obstructions such as impure thoughts and motives can block success. Self-centeredness can discourage others from providing positive input that promotes your own success. If you become sealed off emotionally and spiritually, you put yourself on a narrow pathway where you may stumble and fall.

God intends for you to successfully navigate through obstructions. He encourages you to constantly renew your mind with the truth of his word so you will be ready to take advantage of opportunities sent your way. Being accountable and submissive is possible. God empowers you with strength and determination to do so.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Seize Opportunity: It's Our Responsibility - Part 2

Being created a little lower than angels is an awesome thought. Have you considered the implications for opportunities this makes available to you? What robs us of God’s blessings is our refusal to be accountable and submissive to the requirements the responsibility demands. Another issue is that we permit obstructions to block our advancement toward achievable goals.

Obstructions can be other people's needs that distract us from reaching our objectives. Misconceptions attached to anger, greed, or self-doubt become obstructions that interfere with reaching objectives. Lying, covering up facts, or any deceptive behavior that hides the truth are considered obstructions.

A man explained how he allowed fear to become an impediment to his happiness at work by robbing him of opportunities to excel within the company. As God's creation, we are accountable to him for opportunities he gives us and how we use our gifts and talents. He rewards those abundantly who trust him and act responsibly.  

Monday, September 5, 2016

Seize Opportunity: It's Our Responsibility - Part 1

What makes human beings unique from other species is our ability to feel and think and to come to logical conclusions. Listen to Hebrews 2:7 from J. B. Phillips' The New Testament in Contemporary English. "What is man and woman that you bother with them; why take a second look their way? You made them not quite as high as angels. Then you put them in charge of your world."

With responsibility comes opportunity, but also accountability for how choices are managed. Another component of responsibility is submissiveness, which in its healthiest sense demands compliance and obedience to authority. Submissiveness implies honesty and truthfulness, which are an absolute necessity for every facet of life.

If opportunity is not seized at the moment of availability, it may be forever lost. Opportunity may mean saving a relationship that has deteriorated, but could with major effort be turned around. God puts us at the crossroads of life to offer us a chance to evaluate what's important. Submitting to that opportunity is your choice.