Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stress Management: God's Gift of Insight - Part 2

Have you ever had to confront a problem that was so important, you were willing to do whatever was required to find a solution? The insight gained from such an experience is a treasure worth keeping. Someone defined insight as "the mental habit of asking searching questions and giving honest answers." This is required for managing the reality of everyday stress.

Insight includes understanding and wisdom. Proverbs 1:7 asks this pertinent question: "How do people become wise?" The answers is "trust and reverence for God." Proverbs 2:1 gives another step. "Every person who listens and obeys God's instructions will be given wisdom and good sense." Insight and wisdom provide skills for managing the stressors of life.

Insight strengthens resilience, which enables God's people to manage stress appropriately. In the Gospels, Jesus consistently modeled insight and resilience which came from knowing God his Father and his Father's word. While we do not have perfect insight or understanding, God promises to give us wisdom when we ask for it.  

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