Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A Bridge to Identity

God creatively designs individuals to relate to others in ways that personally give them an identity. Jacob and Esau were not identical twins. Esau was born first, not a pink baby but red and hairy. Jacob came next, holding on to Esau’s heel. Jacob’s name means grabber, which would characterize him for life.

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Esau grew up burly, strong and tall, an outdoors-man who loved to hunt and was his father’s favorite. Jacob stayed close to the tent. He was the quiet, reflective type and was his mother’s favorite. It’s obvious how favoritism laid the foundation for building the bridge that led to struggle and strife over power and control.

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God’s plan and purpose are always good and solid because they build a bridge that withstands the troubles and strife that all will encounter. Jesus said his will and God his Father’s will were the same. He waited for God’s will even when it meant dying on the Cross. God gives patience and the will to endure when you ask him to do so.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Fostering Unity

The Genesis account of Jacob and Esau is a fascinating story. Their father Isaac pleaded with God to give his wife Rebekah a child, but she gave birth to twins. Before birth, they constantly struggled causing Rebekah cry out to God, “Why do you allow this constant torment? I can’t rest nor have peace. All this kicking, grabbing, pushing is beyond what I can tolerate.”

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God’s assurance in Genesis 25:23 helped her endure until they were born: “The sons in your womb will become competitors, one being stronger than the other. The older shall be a servant of the younger.”  This meant the younger son would be more creative, quick-witted, but not physically stronger.

Parents want their children to be successful, balanced in their abilities to achieve. Sibling rivalry happens, so parents either escalate strife or defuse it by refusing to play favorites. Focus on God’s love, design and purpose for each child. Love each one equally to build a bridge to unity and peace

Friday, May 25, 2018

Creative Image-Bearers

Can you imagine God’s creating mankind in his own image, then giving them equipment to master the rest of creation? It’s hard to identify what it means personally to “Multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.” The thought of being a co-creator with God seems too awesome to ponder. Loss of confidence and GREED have the power to sidetrack our creative energies.

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Greed encourages us to get what we deserve regardless of the cost to others. Greed eliminates sharing. Yet within most people is a struggle between being selfish and being creative for everyone’s benefit. The Bible gives many examples of creative, crafty people.

One such person was Jacob, who used deception to steal his brother Esau’s birthright. This is only one of many instances when Jacob used his God-given, creative abilities to deceive others, but God refused to give up on him.  As in Jacob’s case, God keeps nudging us to use our creativity for good purposes so he can bless us with his favor. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Creative Commission

To be creative is to cooperate with God the Creator. The word creative usually applies to someone who is inventive, artistic, original, ingenious, clever and skilled. But it can include a person who just makes the day work as it should, who gets the job done and makes things turn out OK by juggling several roles.

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God commanded that we should search the limits of our creative possibilities. I heard a story about a man who studied rattlesnakes for fifty years and wrote two books on the subject. Although this man’s passion for snakes may give you the creeps, he saw them as God’s creation to be studied, to learn from, to be respected, for their venom can be deadly.

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Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into all the world to teach, preach and baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He promised them his presence, powers, and provision so they could witness for him. Jesus commanded each of us to use our creativity for his purpose. He promised his presence would be with us constantly.   

Monday, May 21, 2018

A Command to Create

Genesis 1:1 states,In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:26 continues, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, over the cattle and over every creeping thing on the earth. So, God created male and female and blessed them…When God saw all he made, he declared it very good.”

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The word created begins this unimaginable work of art and wonderment. God commissions both male and female to master, to take dominion over all he created. Before we become overwhelmed, let us remember God commanded his created to be creative, which is one of his finest gifts.

So how have you used your creativity in fulfilling God’s purpose? Your creativity is very important to God, and you can rest assured when it’s used in his name, to further his purpose, he will continue to bless it. You can ask Christ Jesus to help you accomplish this wonderful endeavor.  

Friday, May 18, 2018

Today Is the Day!

CONCEALMENT is akin to hoarding, and then refusing to reveal what you’ve got for fear the consequences could be painful. Cover-ups in relationships are dangerous because they’re a deterrent for building intimacy. By its very nature, concealment reeks with distrust in addition to controlling what others may have the right to know.

          Concealment produces guilt that Jesus said would eventually be shouted from the house top. Primo Levi noted in his book, The Drowned and the Saved, “Uncomfortable truth travels with difficulties.” Withholding what should be spoken in truth builds a bridge to experiencing something like drowning in guilt and shame.

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          Concealment becomes a habit that’s hard to break, but remember, nothing can be concealed from God and that’s good news. If God loves you knowing everything, perhaps others will also. Proverbs 10:9 notes, “The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes a crooked path will be found out." Truth sets you free, so be courageous.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Bridge to Reconciliation

Concealment and withholding are effective tools for potentially controlling what happens in a relationship. Suppose your feelings were hurt in a conversation, but you were afraid to reveal your wound so you remained silent. This is a common conflict avoidance practice, especially if you’re fearful of appearing weak or ridiculous.

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Concealment of hurt feelings builds a bridge to anger and sadness. Note that concealment of hurt or sad feelings often transforms into withholding affection and intimacy. Withholding is a defense device used to protect yourself from further exposure to hurt, plus a passive means of punishing another person for hurting your feelings.

Jesus gave you this encouragement: “If you have an issue with someone, go to that person and openly address the problem.” What makes this so hard is the risk of being hurt again, but to do so frees you of what you’re concealing and potentially builds a bridge to the future God has already prepared for you. Ask Christ Jesus for courage.   

Monday, May 14, 2018

From Fear to Faith

A grumpy, griping mood is a way to hold family, friends and foe at a distance. The reason for a bad mood may not be known to anyone, including the one displaying negative behaviors. The tendency to conceal negative thoughts may maintain privacy, but your true feelings can be communicated by your face, tone of voice and other kinds of body language.

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Concealment is a consistently used method of controlling your situation, yet it’s difficult to completely hide what’s going on, regardless of what you may or may not verbalize. Alfred Lord Tennyson was aware of this when he wrote, “For words, like nature, have revealed, and half-concealed the soul within.”

Why not speak the truth with openness and honesty? Are you fearful of the consequences, or perhaps unprepared to risk the truth? God’s Word encourages us to speak the truth although we feel fearful. Honesty ultimately builds a bridge to stronger relationships, maybe not immediately, but as God’s purpose and will are accepted.

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Power of Letting Go

A young woman told how her former boyfriend threatened to harm her and himself if she did not comply with his wish to continue the relationship. He felt out of control, disconnected and desperate. Unfortunately, threatening behaviors build a bridge to dismantling trust, respect, and confidence.

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It’s important to accept that total control over another person is impossible. Attempts to control others are built on a foundation of fear and ultimately build a bridge to desperation. God did not create robots to be ruled over by a dictator. He intended for self-control and freedom to expand as maturity and good judgement evolve.

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What’s involved in letting go of unhealthy, unnecessary control? It requires trust and confidence in others and the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ in you produces love, joy, peace and self-control while reducing fear, anxiety and worry. These virtues of the Holy Spirit build a bridge to security which diminishes the need for unhealthy control. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Life-Giving Trust

What image comes to mind when you hear the word control? Then consider the words power, freedom and unafraid of confrontation. Control has a healthy dimension as well as a pathological side that diminishes freedom of choice. Parents exercise a healthy control over children until they’re capable of good judgement and independence.

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There is a fragile alliance between freedom and control, given that the alliance eventually builds a bridge toward independence, self-control and maturity. Two basic factors affect this alliance. Trust allows gradual independence for an adolescent on the way to young adulthood, and self-control implies good judgement is possible.

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Life is full of situations that produce anxiety and insecurity. However, God offers us hope through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ which builds a bridge to inner peace and security. Proverbs 29:11 confirms that “A wise person keeps himself or herself under control.” With this as a consistent objective, problems are more manageable. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Surrendering to the Savior

CONTROL is an issue every individual and family is forced to address. Control is sought directly, indirectly, passively or aggressively, and could involve a combination of any of these. This very day gang wars are fought to control a turf in our cities. Most control disputes are settled either by surrender and defeat or through negotiations.

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The struggle for control in families can literally be a bridge to destruction. Control by harsh, demanding threats or physical abuse is usually a shallow victory that only reflects momentary compliance. Respect, honor and legitimate submissiveness are lost because the controller is no longer seen as trustworthy.

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Control and healthy boundaries are a necessity in every social situation because of the need to establish order. However, honor and respect for others is the bridge for diminishing unnecessary control. God’s Word tells you to love one another, to be kind and gentle for this builds a bridge to healthy order in any relationship. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Determined to Make a Difference

Victor Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist, was arrested by the German SS during World War II because he was a Jew. He spent years in concentration camps and survived the harshest conditions. Every day, no matter how sick, oppressed or terrible his circumstances, he determined to do something good, to make his life useful by helping others.

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It’s hard to comprehend the pain and suffering he experienced every day. His covenant with himself was to make every day meaningful so he could go to sleep at night believing he had been beneficial. This attitude became his bridge for survival.  I often think of Victor Frankl when I want to complain about how difficult life can be now.

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God’s Word tells us Jesus endured the cross so we could be liberated from the bondage of sin and personal guilt. A wise thinker put it this way, “The paradox of liberation is that to preserve freedom and to struggle for it, one must already have freedom within.” Victor Frankl had that freedom. Jesus provides that freedom to you. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Holy Chain-Breaker

When I was in high school, smoking cigarettes was a habit so many male students enjoyed. This habit was also becoming trendy for young women. I became convicted about this habit when I was asked to teach a Sunday School class for young boys at the Baptist church I attended during my military service.

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It became clear to me that cigarette addiction was incompatible with being a role model for young students and with my commitment to Jesus Christ. God’s consistent nudging enabled me to stay faithful to my choice, which also served as a bridge to a clear conscience. Deliverance from any addiction gives witness to the power of Christ to break a strong bondage.

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Is a bondage like anger or lingering grief holding you hostage? Self-pity is a deterrent to experiencing hope for a bright future. The Holy Spirit will help you hope for what you have not yet achieved and at the same time give you courage that serves as a bridge for reaching what you will achieve by the power of Christ in you