Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Fightings Within, Fears Without: Come to God - Part 2

Internal struggles are often related to unexpressed resentment and perhaps to striving to live up to the expectations of others. A young woman in her last year of medical school abruptly resigned, much to her parents’ dismay. For her, each day of medical school had been a battle. The war existed between what her parents expected of her and the realization that medical school was not her passion.

Even gifted and talented people get stuck in unlikable careers, often out of necessity. Job 3:26 clearly identified the young woman’s position: “I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, only turmoil.” The surgery rotation convinced her beyond a shadow of doubt that being a physician was not in her future.

While she had to face her parents, friends and extended family, the young woman believed God had a place for her where she could be at peace within herself. Her choice was a step of faith and trust after prayer and counsel with her professors. Internal peace comes by making peace with God and being in his will, which he desires for each of us.  

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