Monday, June 25, 2018

The Quest for Power and Position

The biblical account of Jacob and Esau outlines one person’s quest for power. Jacob’s plot to manipulate Esau into trading his birthright for a pot of soup was an attempt to gain a place of prominence in his family. Jacob needed power and was willing to be deceitful, disloyal and become a co-conspirator with his mother Rebekah to ensure he obtained it.

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What he didn’t realize was that this drive for power and position would be an impediment to becoming the person God designed him to be. He would be driven by fear and a false sense of self that would get reinforced every time he used his manipulative skills to get what he wanted.

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FEAR is a strong force in everyone and equal to our feelings of inadequacy. It would be decades before Jacob became conscious of his real weaknesses and was able to face them squarely. Only as fear is faced can a person evolve the character strengths God will use to do his work.  "With God, all things are possible."

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