Friday, August 2, 2019

Mountains of Fear & Doubt

When Jacob heard the news that Simeon, another son, might be lost forever, he was heartbroken. Listen to the grief he expressed to his older sons. "You have deprived me of my children. Joseph is dead, and Simeon is no more, and now you want to take Benjamin? Everything is against me."

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Joseph was not dead, however. He was a powerful governor in Egypt. His objective was to unite his family, but he could not reveal his identity. For Joseph to carry out his plan, he had accused these brothers of being spies and detained Simeon as security so that they would return with Benjamin, his younger full-brother. These older brothers were beyond being trusted.

Listen to Jacob’s anger and fear. "Benjamin will not go to Egypt. Joseph is dead, and Benjamin is the only one left. If harm comes to him, in sorrow I will go down to the grave.” Have you experienced such fear and grief? You may feel God is not working for you, yet God’s love and mercy are greater than your fears and doubts. Ask Him for patience and faith. 

Blessed be the Lord and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father and the all-comforting God, who comforts me in every sorrow I have, so that I can comfort people who are in sorrow with the comfort with which I am comforted by God.
~2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Williams – New Testament in the Language of the People

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and great in faithful love. The Lord is good to everyone; His compassion rests on all He has made.
~Psalm 145:8-9 Holman Christian Standard Bible


  1. Jesus was not far away, he lived as a man on earth and experienced its trials, thus he has first-hand compassion for us!
