Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Arrogant Pride and Passionate Anger

I'm sure Samson's parents were proud of him for several reasons. He was chosen by God to be a judge over the Israelites. What his parents’ guidelines and boundaries were for him as a child and adolescent can’t be known, but Samson’s lifestyle as an adult did not correspond with the lifestyle of one called to serve God with his gifts and talent.

Samson seemed unwilling to place boundaries on his angry impulses driven by violent thoughts. He was prideful and incapable of recognizing his complicity in the tragedies he experienced. He resorted to blaming others indiscriminately for his personal losses.

Unhealthy pride and passion victimized Samson by cutting him off from the potential God initially planned for him. Listen to Ephesians 4:31. "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander along with every form of malice. Instead be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as God in Christ forgave you.” What may seem impossible becomes possible with God’s help.  


What do you think the Scripture means when it says the Holy Spirit, whom God has placed within us, watches over us with tender jealousy? But he gives us more and more strength to stand against all such evil longings. As the Scripture says, God gives strength to the humble, but sets himself against the proud and haughty.

~James 4:5-6 The Living Bible


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