Every individual and family will experience a crisis at some level in due time. A crisis may appear totally unexpected, creating surprise, confusion, and sadness. It is possible to diminish the impact of a crisis by realizing there are ways of managing a response when it does come.
God is in the business of helping us when we seek his guidance in every aspect of life. Psalm 32:7 provides these assuring words: “You are my hiding place. You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” When a crisis occurs, help is available.
Counter weaknesses with your strengths instead of delaying to take action. Permit challenges to be a blessing by realizing change is needed. Take care of your body, for it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. In this season of Thanksgiving, praise God with gratitude for his love, guidance, and provision.
you are my God; I earnestly search for you…Your unfailing love is better than
life itself; how I praise you!…Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the
shadow of your wings.
63:1,3,7 New Living Translation
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