Monday, June 6, 2016

Salt, Light, and Second-Milers - Part 1

Sometimes life is so hectic, a trouble-free day appears impossible. The  smallest task that should take only a moment turns into such complexity that a whole day seems to evaporate. Life on the front burner takes energy and determination to resist defeat rather than to dissolve into frustration and anger. Discouragement has the power to control any situation.

God has given us the capacity to change, regardless of how diminished that capacity feels to us. Where there is motivation to find solutions, no problem is insurmountable. Resilient people learn to activate faith and hope to serve as a channel for transcending anger and frustration. Faith and hope create order and dignity, even in chaos and pain.

Jesus, in Matthew 5:41, instructs his listeners to be second-mile people, giving more than what's required to any challenge. Second-milers know they'll be rewarded, if only by enhancing their integrity. Life is complicated and hectic, so keep your attitude fixed on faith in Christ Jesus. Faith is God's gift to you. 

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