Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hero or Failure? Riding the Roller Coaster - Part 2

Gideon served as a judge in Israel before there was a king. Hebrews 11 introduces him as a member of the Hall of Faith. God's call came as he was working to provide for his family, practicing values that were upright and honorable. He became a hero by defeating an entire army with just three hundred men because God was with him.

After this decisive battle Gideon demonstrated moments of moral failure. He failed to anchor Israel in faithfulness to God, for after his death the nation soon returned to idol worship. Abimelech, Gideon’s son whose mother was a concubine, had all but one of his half-brothers killed.

What's clear about Gideon is that he could be a hero one day and a moral failure the next. God's desire is that we develop and maintain values that reflect his presence in our lives. Yet by God's grace and mercy, he can and will use us despite our limitations and failures. Thank God for his unmerited favor that permits us to choose and serve him.  

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