Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Subdue the Green-Eyed Monster

Jealousy is difficult to own because it's perceived as a weakness. To recognize jealousy as a weakness is to own feelings of insecurity. In the play Othello, Shakespeare labeled jealousy as a green-eyed monster. Othello killed his wife because he wrongly believed she was unfaithful. Does that sound familiar?

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Jealousy is like a green-eyed monster because it distorts a person’s imagination or relationship. A man sees a stranger talking to his wife at a party. If he feels insecure, jealousy surges forth. He can only imagine what they're talking about, and it’s here where distortion becomes allied with jealousy, giving credibility to the green-eyed monster.

St. Paul teaches in Romans 13:14 to fight jealousy by clothing yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. This means surrendering all you are and all you have to Christ Jesus, including the object of your jealousy. Then take on his virtues of love, trust, truth and humility. Only this will subdue the green-eyed monster known as jealousy. 

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