Monday, December 18, 2023

Can a Significant Loss Perpetuate Anger?

When anger is expressed to others, even if that anger is justified, it cuts deep into the emotional fabric of both the one who is the target of its fury and also the one expressing it. Anger may be  spontaneously aroused or slow and calculating, but either way, its objective is to make someone pay physically or emotionally. 

Depending on the severity of the offense and the pain and suffering experienced, anger may persist for only a moment or be prolonged indefinitely. With some individuals, once anger has been expressed, the intensity fades and peace resumes. With others, anger is so disturbing and emotionally draining that even time cannot force the feelings to subside.

Is it possible to be so angry with God over a significant loss, that healing appears out of the question? To counter the negative effects of anger, focus instead on the physical and emotional gifts you’ve received from God. Write them down, and praise him with thanksgiving for his gifts of kindness, including his miracle of forgiveness.


How happy are those who know what sorrow means, for they will be given courage and comfort!

~Matthew 5:4 Phillips – New Testament in Modern English


You are blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by [God,] the One most dear to you.

~Matthew 5:4 The Message


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