Friday, January 27, 2017

Choose to Control Your Weaknesses: God Will Help - Part 3

I appreciate the Apostle Paul’s honesty in owning up to his weaknesses. He confessed to doing the things he did not want to do and being unable to follow through on what he knew was right. Yet he could declare that where sin abounds, God's grace abounds even more, but then question, "Shall we sin deliberately so God’s grace might more abound?” He answers, “Absolutely not."

Weaknesses exist in each person, but allowing a weakness to dominate opens the door for evil to lay siege to the heart and mind. Consider Balaam’s attitude in Numbers 22. He knew what God required from him, but allowed the desire for social prestige and financial wealth to rule his choices.

When we try to hide or deny our weaknesses, a danger exists of their influence gaining power. The Apostle Paul petitioned God to take away his thorn in the flesh, which he identified as a weakness. God said His grace was sufficient to compensate for any weakness. God assured Paul that His power was made perfect in weakness. Isn't that good news? 

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