Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Examine Your Choices: Consider the Cost - Part 2

When Joshua challenged the Hebrew people to be committed to serving God, he knew it would require a thorough self-examination of their loyalty, which previously had been questionable. Successful businesses maintain precise inventories to retain profitable items while discontinuing those that do not justify their existence.

Plato, the Greek philosopher who lived four hundred years before Christ, wrote, "The unexamined life is not worth living," which means growth and maturity do not happen incidentally. Businesses give employees personal evaluations to determine their progress, but self-examination is just as important.

A lesson from Balaam’s life in Numbers 23 has to do with failure to do a self-inventory. When needed changes are avoided or side-stepped, a self-made crisis may not be preventable. God closely examines us, as David realized in Psalm 17:3. "You probe my heart and examine me." Thank God he does this so we can choose to remain close to his heart and purpose.  

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