Friday, January 20, 2017

Examine Your Choices: Consider the Cost - Part 3

Do you realize that God probes your heart to insure nothing is hidden from him or yourself? In a court of law, attorneys examine and cross-examine witnesses in search of the truth. Counselors listen for thoughts and feelings to help resolve emotional and relational conflicts. Mechanics have diagnostic tools for solving problems with your automobile.

God searches the heart for hidden and unforgiven sin. He examines the heart for motives that sabotage his purpose and plan. He knows we’re capable of intentions that are contrary to his ways and in conflict with our conscience. God checks out your heart to see if fellowship with him is based on truth and to challenge you to live within that truth.

God scrutinizes the heart, seeking wrong motives, thinking, and deeds that prevent growth and maturity in faith. Balaam, in Numbers 22, recognized and confessed his sin but never repented or changed. In contrast, David repented and begged God to create in him a clean heart. God is capable of doing just that. 

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