Friday, December 30, 2016

Whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, Choose God - Part 3

Making wise choices is not always a simple matter. Decisions require good information. Yet it's possible to have good information and still allow personal character to override healthy choices. Balaam believed in God but refused to let God redeem his character, which is an issue for many in our society who say they believe in God.

There was something about Balaam's character that permitted him to hear God's voice and instructions, and then proceed to act contrary to God’s voice. In Numbers 22:32 the angel of the Lord told Balaam, "I have come to oppose you because your way is perverse before God." A perverse person such as Balaam is reckless and obstinate.

As you prepare to begin a new year, the opportunity to make important changes has come. Are you willing to cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s counsel and be a recipient of God’s favor and abundant blessings? Today you are privileged to pledge your faith in God’s leadership and purpose for your life. God bless you as you begin this journey.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, Choose God - Part 2

In the little Texas town where I grew up, life was basically ordinary and predictable. The pastor of our small Baptist church was also the town's plumber and electrician. As busy as he was, he was available, night or day, when anyone in this little community of six hundred needed him, regardless of church affiliation.

A thirty-something professional business woman lamented how dull, boring, and ordinary her life had become. She was at the point of becoming bitter because the limitations of her life were so confining and disappointing. Perhaps in subtle and not-so-subtle ways she came to expect not only instant gratification, but constant gratification.

Jesus observed in Matthew 19:24 that it’s “easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Jesus may have said this because it takes simple, ordinary faith to find meaning and purpose in the ordinary life God provides. Yet there is constant gratification in knowing you're secure in simple, ordinary faith.  

Monday, December 26, 2016

Whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, Choose God - Part 1

Most people seem destined to lead ordinary lives while others search for the unusual. Russian novelist Dostoevsky, who wrote Crime and Punishment, remarked that "all people appear divided into ordinary and extraordinary categories. Ordinary people usually follow the rule of law while extraordinary people may transgress the law if compelled to do so."

David, writing in the Psalms, complained about evil people bringing pain to himself and others but appearing to escape suffering for their evil deeds. David saw himself as an ordinary person chosen by God to lead an extraordinary life. However, David suffered immensely for deviating from God's boundaries.

Balaam, an unusual Old Testament prophet, searched for the extraordinary life that pushed him beyond what was acceptable to God. Yet God went after him to pull him back to the straight way. God sent Jesus to save both the ordinary and the extraordinary person because safe in the love of Jesus, we are all one. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 5

Today is Christmas Day, so I rejoice and gladly celebrate the coming of Christ Jesus. I am aware that peace and joy do not exist the world over. I realize there are protesters committed to disrupting God-appointed transitions on which our world needs to follow through. This was true of the world confronting Jesus immediately following his birth.

         However, God is aware of what boundaries need to be established so His good purpose can come to fruition. God’s great gift to each of us is peace in our heart, mind, and soul, made possible by Christ Jesus. “My peace I leave with you” was Jesus’ promise to anxious disciples, and to us on this wonderful day. Merry Christmas and God bless you! 

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 4

During this wonderful time of the year, God graciously provides opportunities to celebrate the good news that Christ Jesus came to give us reasons to be joyful. “Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what God has done.” As I activate this privilege, I’m compelled to pray for relatives and friends who must contend with troublesome issues.

          Jesus came to be the Great Physician, our comforter, friend, and redeemer. Knowing this encourages me to embrace those who are stuck in circumstances so dreadful that I can only imagine what it’s like to be in their place. I ask God to provide me with courage to be a blessing to those whom I know need His and my kindness. May God bless you with peace and joy. Merry Christmas! 

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 3

When babies are placed into our care, we are then responsible for making choices to guide them through each stage of growth and development. This is to insure they will possess good emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Whether we acknowledge it or not, there is a myriad of God-appointed individuals whose purpose is to serve and be a blessing to us.

         During God-appointed transitions, it’s important to pray for those who guide us through critical changes. God sent Christ Jesus to be a very present help when life is stressful and we’re struggling. As we accept God’s gift of Christ Jesus, we are encouraged to pray for those God predestined to represent us. May you be blessed with the peace of Christ Jesus. Merry Christmas and God bless you!

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 2

We’re all confronted with change that may not be easy to accept into our thinking and belief patterns. Transitions often collide with anxiety and fear, which produce opposition to God-appointed changes that are destined to take place. What helps to reduce anxiety and fear associated with transitions is the belief that they are appointed by God Almighty.

When God sent Jesus to be the Messiah, God alone possessed in-depth knowledge of the appointed transitions awaiting his people. “To God be the glory, great things he has done.  So loved he the world that he gave us his Son, who yielded his life an atonement for sin, and opened the lifegate that all may go in.” God grant you peace and joy. Merry Christmas and God bless you!


To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Tuesday-Saturday, December 20-24. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christ's Coming: A Time of Transition - Part 1

Change is a reality each person confronts as the United States inaugurates a different philosophy for managing our wonderful system of government. The Lord God Almighty intends for there to be change, and as we are willing to accept change, we experience the peace God gives. God is in charge of his world and will establish his good purpose and perfect plan for his people.

Can you imagine the world Jesus came to save two thousand years ago, or the transitions that God’s people have endured since that time? What secures a nation in the midst of transitions are the prayers of faith and gratitude that God’s people faithfully practice. May God give you peace as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, his Son. Merry Christmas and God bless you!    


To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 4

Every Christian has two conflicting natures which consist of desires and attitudes that often battle for dominance. God’s word informs us that Jesus had our human nature, but without the weakness that permits us to sin and fall short of God’s glory. Balaam, the Old Testament prophet and sorcerer, wanted to be God’s spokesman but permitted evil desires to nullify that calling.

God told him to renounce this evil, but he could not resist exploring what was forbidden by God. This compulsion to explore the world of evil would lead him along the path of destruction. While it's apparent we all have this tendency, the choices we make determine the extent of our shame and humiliation.

It's possible to stand against the temptations to defy God's purpose and plan. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled." To hunger and thirst is to crave the peace and joy that only Christ Jesus provides. It means finding satisfaction and contentment with what God supplies to you. 

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers. 

On Monday, December 19, and again beginning December 26, my blog posts will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 3

Doing good doesn't come easy even when we are committed to do so from the depths of our heart. Jesus never varied from the path of righteousness, but he had to dodge taking the easy, less obstructed pathway. Jim Grace’s book Quarantine speaks of Satan's attempt to pull Jesus away from what he knew was God's plan for himself. Satan obstructs the way to heaven with evil allurements.

Jim Grace said, "God's cushioned finger would take Jesus by the elbow and ease him from the devil's grasp with his word."  Satan's business is to make temptation look sweet, but once stung by temptation and sin, escape is possible only by God's grace. The sting may go on indefinitely, but we manage the sting by knowing God’s grace is greater than all our sins.

Jesus said, "Wide is the gate, and broad is the road that leads to destruction." God stands ready to take us by the elbow and hand and help us back onto the straight way. This is our hope.  

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers.

On Monday, December 26, my blog posts again will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 2

Balaam, an Old Testament believer in God, portrays an unusual personality. His belief system allowed him to mix unacceptable behavior with God’s truth. God permitted Balaam to explore the unrighteousness of evil, which he did with such eagerness and disregard for God’s boundaries that he provoked God to anger.

Yet God sent an angel to prevent his fall into destruction. The moment he sees the angel Balaam confesses his sin. Yet he is still trying to find a loophole so he can proceed with this allurement into unrighteousness? Satan's grip can ratchet down the heart, soul, and mind so tightly that escape from his captivity seems impossible.

A short time later Balaam is beating his donkey, urging her onward because he refuses to turn loose of what’s driving him to go against God's purpose and will. Great damage is done to oneself and others when repentance is not sincere and real. What God desires is a broken and contrite heart. This paves the way for mercy and forgiveness.  

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers. 

On Monday, December 19, and again beginning December 26, my blog posts will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Don't Dance with the Devil! - Part 1

The story of Balaam in Numbers 22 tells of a person who believed in God, yet moved to the edge of inappropriate moral judgment. He apparently enjoyed balancing the tantalizing effects of dancing with evil and pursuing God’s purpose for his life. Ambivalence permitted him to explore evil and become captivated by it.

Balaam yielded to temptation by considering evil proposals made to him by people of influence and power. To convince himself it was OK, Balaam may have asked childishly, "Why can't I do it? What will it hurt?" The permissive will of God allowed Balaam to choose, but God’s anger was provoked when He observed Balaam’s eagerness to participate in evil.

Balaam made a grave error in judgement by allowing himself to dance with unrighteousness, including an agreement to place a curse on the Hebrew people. This act of defiance hardened his heart toward God. A warning for God's people is, be aware of the allurement of evil. Accept God’s escape from temptation so your heart can remain clean.  

To coordinate with KHCB’s “Five Days of Christmas” programming, I will post special Christmas thoughts on my blog Wednesday-Sunday, December 21-25. On those days, KHCB will air only Christmas music and short thoughts from the programmers. 

On Monday, December 19, and again beginning December 26, my blog posts will coordinate with the radio broadcast schedule of Attitudes/Answers that airs at 5:45 PM on KHCB radio at 105.7FM in the Houston area. To stream it live or for a listing of sister stations in TX, OK, LA, and FL, you may click on the KHCB link in the "About Me" section of this page.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Half-hearted Prophets and Compromised Faith - Part 3

Compromise can be seen as positive or negative.  Every soul has had to cope with its implications. Lawsuits are often settled by compromise. Without compromise, legislation would not become law. A popular song a few decades back had this haunting line, "I've done a load of compromising on the road to my horizons."

Balaam, an Old Testament personality compromised his belief in God on the road to his horizons. The book of Jude issues this warning. “Woe to those who blindly pursue wealth while disregarding God’s will and purpose for their lives.” Balaam needed power and recognition in addition to wealth. He flirted with evil by thinking he was above reaping evil’s penalties.

God's word tells you to resist compromising your faith, to resist Satan so he will flee from you. God sends warning signs when you begin to consider compromise and temptation.  God sent an angel to rebuke Balaam, but tragically his heart was unwilling to heed the angel’s words. Compromise can be resisted when you love God with all your heart, soul and mind.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Half-hearted Prophets and Compromised Faith - Part 2

Becoming a half-hearted follower of Christ Jesus may be connected to discounting God’s purpose and plan for your life. Being a follower of Jesus does not come easily, and no clear-thinking Christian would say their life has been free of temptations and obstructions. Some people mistakenly think they will escape hardship and pain if they acquire wealth and power.

Balaam, an Old Testament character, acknowledged God verbally but was committed to practicing sin and evil. Perhaps Balaam was never fully committed to God, but sometimes served him either out of fear or because he was better off economically and socially for having done so. St. Paul makes it clear that “the wages of sin is death.”

Sin creates a half-hearted, lukewarm desire to serve Christ Jesus. God, however, is a keen observer and will erect obstructions as a rebuke so we can return to the straight way, the way of righteousness. While adversity is hard to cope with, God will provide a way not only to cope, but to find opportunity for growth and change.  

Monday, December 5, 2016

Half-hearted Prophets and Compromised Faith - Part 1

Adversity has the tendency to harden the heart and create bitterness or even despair. Some ways people try to avoid adversity are by changing jobs, moving, getting divorced, or trying to manage their hurt and pain by seeking short-lived pleasures. Balaam, the Old Testament prophet, left the straight narrow way to run after wealth and escape the obstructions of poverty.

It wasn't just lusting after riches that pulled Balaam off the straight path.  He wanted to escape a lifestyle of being a con man who lived a life of deception. The heart of the matter was that adversity had hardened his heart and created a sick, unhealthy way of thinking which led to abandoning God’s purpose for his life.

Balaam, a half-hearted prophet, refused to follow God's instructions after permitting unrighteousness to get a foothold in his life. Unrighteousness included unhealthy thought patterns, unwholesome feelings, and sinful actions which he refused to reject. You wage war on unrighteousness with God's word and prayer. May God bless and keep you close to himself.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Allow Obstacles to Build Your Faith - Part 3

Have you ever approached a crossroads where you knew the decision you would make was out of compliance with God's will and your conscience? Also that dire consequences hung in the balance for yourself and others? Balaam, an Old Testament sorcerer, would cast curses on people for a price. Amazingly, he actually had begun his work as a true prophet of God.

At a transitional crossroads he became a minister for evil. Numbers 22 identifies Balaam being hired to cast a curse on the Hebrew people, who were on their way to the Promised Land. If successful, he could name his own price for his evil deed. God, however, commanded Balaam to abstain from his evil exploits.

The con man within Balaam tried to balance God’s command with own his greed and desire for wealth. He found justification for choosing financial security. He let ambition overrule the admonition to love God with all his heart so God could provide eternal security. The best choice is to always honor and obey God's commands.