Friday, September 29, 2023

What Attitudes Ensure Success?

Mistakes are as much a part of life as are making wise decisions that lead to success and happiness. Of course we would rather fit into the category of those who make choices that ensure success. However, failure can be a wake-up call to make changes and head off a potential crisis.

The Prodigal Son demanded his share of the inheritance early so he could escape the responsibilities of young adulthood. It was his attitude and immaturity that left him vulnerable to failure and the resulting pain and suffering. The tendency toward self-deception doomed the success he envisioned.

As immature as his choices were, his father continued to believe in him. He saw in his son a promising future as he matured. To his credit this young man did not lose sight of the fact that he had a father who loved him and had faith to believe he would return home. God the Father is waiting for you, so ask him to help as you see and accept his purpose for you.                            


Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life; don’t for a minute lose sight of them. They’ll keep your soul alive and well; they’ll keep you fit and attractive.  

~Proverbs 3:21-22 The Message


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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What Prepares Us to Leave Home Permanently?

I love Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son, a story about a young man whose choices resulted in a personal crisis. This young man wanted to be free from all the restraints he believed were keeping him from experiencing the world he imagined was waiting for him. Does this sound familiar?

Most people leave home to go to college, go to work, or get married, but this young man was leaving home with immature objectives. His immaturity blinded him to the realities that awaited him from an assortment of so-called new friends. He had no idea how easily he could be separated from his inheritance.

Wake-up calls come from many sources to help us change what leads to hardships. God does not delight when we fail or when we suffer humiliation. He provides opportunities for us to change the direction our life has taken. So trust in the Lord and do what is right and he will give you the desires of your heart that fit his purpose.        


Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.

~Proverbs 3:5-6 The Message


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Monday, September 25, 2023

What Commitments Are Required for a Promising Future?

God’s kindness and mercy permit us to make significant changes in our lifestyle to help us escape negative entrapments. Assessing the past helps us address what needs to change to create peace within ourselves and with others. What do you need to change to be more acceptable to others and the Lord Jesus Christ?

This is designed not to question your personal salvation, but character flaws that create trouble and heartache in relationships with God and others. The Prodigal Son was too self-centered and immature to realize he was headed for troubles. He imagined himself to be above reality.

Fortunately, this wayward son was able to conceptualize a new way of living that motivated him to walk away from the hog pen and the attitude that had created his downfall. So wherever you are, why not permit God to give you a clear vision for a future filled with his purpose to which you can commit for the rest of your life?  


 I ask that your minds be opened to see his light, so that you will know the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people, and how very great is his power at work in us who believe.  

~Ephesians 1:18-19 Good News Bible


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Friday, September 22, 2023

How Difficult for You Are Reconciliations?

Looking back over the past year brings up memories of heartbreak and loss for so many who have been the victims of forces beyond their control. So permit God’s gift of grief and sadness to be instrumental in healing you. For most, however, it has been a year marked by the usual ups and downs of life.

Disappointments are difficult to avoid because it’s impossible to constantly please everyone or be pleased by them. By seeking and offering forgiveness we are obeying what Jesus instructed us to do. Extending forgiveness to others frees you to go forward with a clear conscience to make the best of each new day.

So be receptive to overtures of apologies from others, for these opportunities may pass and never return. Reconciliations please the Lord Jesus Christ. He stands ready to forgive and heal you along with restoring your soul, which give you peace from guilt and shame. This is God’s way, for which I am thankful.                            


Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

~1 Corinthians 13:11 New International Version


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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Is It Difficult to Keep Your Love for God Constant?

There are moments in life that provide an opportunity to wipe your slate clean and institute changes centered around an attitude that is  pleasing to God. The Prodigal Son had made a complete mess of his life but decided to pick himself up and make something out of the life God had given him.

He started by permitting himself to conceptualize what was feasible for him to accomplish. He then decided to change his attitude that had produced conflict and alienation. Most would agree that it’s difficult to make healthy changes to keep your thinking and behavior in line with what God will bless.

So what changes in attitude do you need to make that demonstrate you have a clean slate to stand by regardless of the external and internal pressure you encounter to renege on your commitment? Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” If you ask God to help you love him, your commitment has greater potential for success. Loving God is a choice you can make now.                         


Jesus said, “’Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list.”

~Matthew 22:37-38 The Message


Subscribe to the Attitudes Answers podcast on your favorite podcast platform to hear this and other 2-minute features 3 days every week. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Are You Looking for a Fresh Start?

Are you looking for new beginnings in some area of your life? When the Prodigal Son committed himself to a different lifestyle, he sensed this was his only option and that the opportunity otherwise would be lost forever. Do you need to ask, “What do I need to change so I will be blessed and accepted by God?”

A fresh start doesn’t mean forgetting regretful choices and behaviors. It does require changing your attitude and imposing self-control in places detrimental to yourself and others. The Prodigal Son changed from being a pompous brat who confessed, “I’ve made a fool of myself and failed completely, but I’ve learned my lesson.”

He learned to value life and how to be sincerely humble. This paved the way for acceptance and forgiveness to be received. It also paved the way for a new beginning and hope for a life absent of guilt and shame. If this is your heart’s desire, God will help you change and succeed.                    


Your beginning may be small, but later years will be very great.
~Job 8:7 International Standard Version


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Friday, September 15, 2023

Does Delayed Action Set You Up for Failure?

Have you ever made a promise that was extremely difficult to keep? Most everyone will surely answer with a firm, yes. Perhaps it’s time to reassess your situation since keeping a promise back then was too problematic. However, delaying to take responsibility now will not dissolve feelings of guilt and shame.

Failing to keep a promise to yourself, others, and God often gives birth to negative consequences that can follow you for a lifetime. The most persistent emotions to surface after guilt and shame are anxiety and fear. To clear your conscience, it’s critically important to apologize and seek forgiveness.

This crucial step will include some degree of suffering but listen to Psalm 119:49-50. “O Lord, remember your promises to me your servant. They have given me hope. Even in my suffering I was comforted because your promise gave me life.” As you determine to keep your promises now, the Lord God will be your source of strength and courage to do what is right.    


God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us. Then we could escape our evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world.

~2 Peter 1:4 Contemporary English Version


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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Can Severe, Difficult Problems Be Avoided?

What would you like to change about your lifestyle so there could be more joy and peace? Perhaps this year has been one of struggle so you need somewhat of a lifestyle change. Trials and tribulations are indicators of needed change, but it’s difficult to balance change with your lifestyle.

The good news is that severe problems or even a crisis can be avoided by facing particular issues rather than denying they exist. Needed change is prompted by lingering, persistent issues that cause stress and a potential crisis. Promise now to take the steps toward corrective change.

To keep your promise, remind yourself how God has blessed you throughout your life by keeping his promises. Listen to 2 Corinthians 7:1. “Therefore since you have these promises, purify yourselves from everything that contaminates your body and spirit. Strive to be completely holy out of awe for the Lord God.”  He will enable you to do this. 


Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is the faithful God who for a thousand generations keeps his promises and constantly loves those who love him and who obey his commands.

~Deuteronomy 7:9 The Living Bible


Subscribe to the Attitudes Answers podcast on your favorite podcast platform to hear this and other 2-minute features 3 days every week. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Do Commitments Strengthen Faith?

How would you evaluate these past few months in terms of your financial, physical, and spiritual wellbeing? For some, now is the time to modify your lifestyle in hopes of finding ways to resolve some difficult problems that are surely a precursor to a crisis. Would this address your relationships that need healing?

A primary reason for making a lifestyle change is that those we love are affected by our choices. Most people are endowed with enough self-control to stay focused on their commitment to make a needed change. Failing to stay focused can result in failure and severe consequences.

Seeing a commitment through to completion strengthens your faith and trust in the Lord God. Listen to Proverbs 16:3. “Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will succeed.” Joshua 21:45 adds, “Not one of God’s promises made to his people fail, for each is brought to completion.” God will give you the initiative and staying power to make sure your commitments reach their objective.   



I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.

~2 Timothy 4:7 New American Standard Bible


And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.

~Galatians 6:9 The Living Bible

                         WE WILL NEVER FORGET! 09/11/01

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Friday, September 8, 2023

Is It Possible to Prevent Hurt Feelings from Accumulating?

It’s impossible to prevent stress from spilling over into personal  relationships, including in your family. Everyone has an agenda and expectations which often collide with those of other family members. A breakdown in communication causes hurt feelings and anger to accumulate and intensify.

Resolving conflicts becomes more difficult as resistance and fear build up to make peaceful family life unsustainable. Avoiding conflict often causes emotional and physical distance within the family to become inflamed. This permits sadness and grief to encase your heart and mind.

Can sadness and anger be prevented from taking up permanent residence in your heart and mind? Yes. Ask God to give you the strength and courage to give graciously to others the love and affection that are tied up in hurt feelings. As you take responsibility to do what is right, God will bless and comfort you with his forgiveness, joy, and peace.    


…and whatever you do, do it with kindness and love.

~1 Corinthians 16:14 The Living Bible


and a little child will lead them.

~Isaiah 11:6 New International Version


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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

What Makes Reconciliation So Difficult?

Most everyone will experience situations that are to be cherished for a lifetime. However there may be events or people that were a source of heartbreak and grief that also will be remembered. Permitting grief to heal must be balanced with acknowledging the joy you experienced.

Conflict within families is unavoidable, so hurt feelings, anger, and grief are inescapable. It takes courage and maturity to address these issues properly regardless of who was at fault. I’m amazed at how easy it is to continually store up these emotions. This is not healthy for your emotional and physical wellbeing.

God’s way is for you to take the initiative to apologize, express your sorrow, and seek forgiveness for the conflict. God’s way is for you to do what is right even if you feel totally innocent. God in his mercy and grace sought you out for reconciliation, and he expects you to do the same.     


Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything.

~1 Peter 4:8 The Message


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Monday, September 4, 2023

How Can You Be Available for Others to Know You?

A young man described his father as being more than adequate to meet the financial needs of the family but seldom there emotionally to spend time with him. Children of divorce can also attest to how they were affected by only seeing their parent as the divorce decree allowed.

A woman in her early twenties went into detail describing how she was only now beginning to understand her father. This came about as she chose to spend time with him as an adult. Feeling comfortable to ask him questions about his personal history and feelings, she was amazed when she discovered they had so much in common.

Obviously, it’s possible to know someone for a lifetime and still not know them personally. Can you imagine another person knowing everything about you and still loving you unconditionally? The Lord God thoroughly knows you and still accepts and loves you unconditionally. What a blessing and privilege it is to know that Jesus loves you so much he gave up his life for you.                      


See what wonderful love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called God’s children, and that is what we are! This is why the world does not know what we are, because it has never come to know him.

~1 John 3:1 Williams – New Testament in the Language of the People


This is how we know what love is: Christ gave his life for us. We too, then, ought to give our lives for others!

~1 John 3:16 Good News Bible


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Friday, September 1, 2023

Do You Believe the World Is a Pretty Good Place?

It’s important to celebrate and give thanks for each new day since some facet of it could prove to be meaningful and purposeful. It’s true that everything in the world is not good or beneficial, yet you still can have an attitude of optimism. How difficult is that for you ?

Ben Franklin wrote, “Taking all things together, the world is a pretty good place, and it’s our duty to make the best of it by being optimistic.” If you’re in a rut with life, have you lost the willingness to be appreciative that today is a new day and there is hope for the future?

Begin this moment to focus on one thing for which you can be thankful and then determine not to lose sight of it. Situations eventually change, and as you wait, the Holy Spirit will provide strength to endure whatever trouble or hardships you may encounter. God will take care of you, so praise him and give thanks for the gift of Jesus, your Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. Tell one other person what God has provided for you today.                               


The Lord has done this, and it is amazing to us. This day belongs to the Lord! Let us celebrate and be glad today.

~Psalm 118:23-24 Contemporary English Version

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