Friday, August 16, 2024

How Can Family Reunions Be Kept Joyful?

Today we think of holidays as an occasion to be on vacation with family or friends – a time when rivalries of childhood and adolescence give way to maturity and growing compatibilities. Much has been written about family dynamics, which include communications and interactions.

The development of maturity and compatibility is encouraged by the requirements of adolescence and adulthood. Moving toward maturity is part of our physical and emotional development while pride and arrogance delay the development of maturity. According to Proverbs 16:18, “Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance to ruin.”

Holidays can be joyful by following the counsel of Proverbs 16:23. “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth and makes his lips persuasive.” So focus on compatibilities that exist within the family rather than disruptive differences. This is good advice for peaceful, happy family get-togethers.



Kind words are like honey – sweet to the taste and good for your health.

~Proverbs 16:24 Good News Bible


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