Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Conscience As an Alert System - Part 1

Most people believe they have a conscience, an inner value system designed to keep them within safe boundaries. The conscience sounds an alert when values are in imminent danger of being violated. But how do you get a conscience? A ten-year child gave this answer, "I really don't know. It's something you get without asking for it. It just seems to happen."

Can you imagine a society whose inhabitants have not developed  consciences to guide and control their thoughts and behaviors? Psychopaths and sociopaths are defined as being without a conscience. Everyone then would be subject to their criminal acts because they lack love and compassion for others.

Parents play a major role in the development of a child's conscience. The positive, healthy parent/child attachment based on love, guidance, and correct boundaries is significant to the evolution of a child's conscience. God's word encourages parents to "teach children how to live and they will remember it all their lives." This choice will never be regretted.  

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