Friday, June 24, 2016

Holding on Through Failure and Success - Part 3

Resilience keeps a person holding on when everyone says, "Let go."  Resilient people maintain a grip on what is right, good, and worthy, even when faced with great temptation.   The power and limitations of resilience or personal toughness is affected by what is believed to be true about a person or situation. "Whatever a man thinks in his heart, so he is."

There are limitations to resilience, that inner strength to adapt to the hardships of life. Psychologists study tolerance levels in people and remind us we  should acknowledge what we can tolerate as well as whom we can tolerate. Tolerance is about perception, which is indicative of what you think and believe.

Success and failure hinge on strengths and weaknesses, but not on these alone. Faith in Christ Jesus prevents letting go of your grip when you feel weak and it seems impossible to hang on. God gives strength to the weak, help to the needy, and hope for the future. He told the Apostle Paul, "My strength is made perfect in your weakness."  

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