Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Resilience: Standing Firm in Faith - Part 2

Steadfastness is a character quality that sustains the believer through hard, difficult days. Distractions remind us we are not completely sufficient in and of ourselves. Steadfastness anchored in trust to Christ Jesus prevents evil forces from pulling us away from our commitment.

James 5:11 reminds us of Job's steadfastness. He refused to surrender his faith even as Satan took away all he possessed except his life and his wife. Faithfulness is compared to a house built on solid rock that incapable of being  dislodged from its foundation by a storm. Where steadfastness is weak, it's like a house built on sand and swept away by the storm.

Steadfastness becomes rock-solid as God redeems our heart and soul. He purges away all sin and guilt and then renews our mind as we ingest his word. Jesus desires to create in you a new person that's incapable of falling away regardless of the wickedness you face. This is good news Jesus offers to you.

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