Monday, October 1, 2018

Deceit and Tangled Webs

Deception in some form is experienced by everyone. That is not to say a person blatantly deceives but may stretch the truth to get what is wanted or to cover one's tracks in stressful situations. Deception is not unique to our society but is cited in every ancient culture. However, it is not blessed or condoned by God.

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When desperate times came to the region where Abraham lived, he took his family to Egypt where food was abundant. Upon crossing the border, he encountered the immigration officials of his day. His wife Sarah was a beautiful woman, so the two agreed she would pass as his sister because they feared these officials would kill him and take her.

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God cannot be deceived, and deception under any guise is not acceptable to him. Deception blatantly exposes a lack of trust in God's provision to see a desperate situation through to an honorable end. Thank God he intervenes in our foolish decisions to save us from disaster like the situation Abraham and Sarah created for themselves.  

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