Friday, June 5, 2020

Face Truth – Free Yourself

Everyone is guilty of hiding from the truth, especially if it's painful to face. Truth calls for accountability although it may be difficult to accept. Jesus told Pilate, his examiner, “I came into the world to testify to the truth.” Pilate responded by asking Jesus, "What is truth?"

Understanding Determines - Dominion Voice

Pilate didn’t give Jesus a chance to answer because Jesus' answer would have required Pilate to face himself and a difficult situation. Truth lights up the darkest of days because truth eventually points the way to a brighter future, even if the immediate situation creates fear and a sense of dread.

Hiding the truth is a first line of defense when truth is humiliating, embarrassing and unacceptable. When we acknowledge to Christ Jesus the most painful truth imaginable, we then are freed from the burden of hiding or ignoring it. Jesus knows the truth for he is the way, the truth and the life, and it is the truth that will set you free. 

Jesus said: “When...the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit, comes, he will guide you into everything that is true. For he will not be speaking of his own accord but exactly as he hears, and he will inform you about what is to come.
~John 16:13-14 Phillips – New Testament in Modern English


  1. So true. We must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of us.

    1. Thank you, Nike, for reading this post and for your response. The Holy Spirit makes known to us God's truth and how we can respond to his truth. God bless you today and thanks again for your comment.
