Wednesday, September 9, 2020

When Craving Overtakes Reason

Passion has the power to turn a person’s thoughts from reason and logic to an inward craving. When Samson was a young man, he became enamored with a young Philistine woman. Judges 14:2 reveals his  passionate obsession for this woman. He told his father, “I’ve seen a young Philistine woman; now get her for me to be my wife.”

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Listen to the plea of Samson’s mother: “Must you go outside our faith to get a wife? Surely there’s an acceptable woman from our people.” “Get her for me. She’s the right one for me,” Samson demanded. Because this woman was unacceptable to his parents and the Lord God, the marriage had little chance for success.

Becoming obsessed with an unruly passion impairs judgment and decision-making. Samson mistook sexual attraction for love. He was blinded to the incompatibilities that doomed his marriage. God provides warning signs when dangers are apparent, including a way to escape, so be sure to listen closely to Him.

For a time will come when they will not listen to wholesome teaching, but to gratify their own evil desires will surround themselves with teachers who teach to gratify their own evil desires. Their ears are itching to be tickled, and they will cease to listen to the truth and will turn to listen to myths.
~2 Timothy 4:3-4 Williams – New Testament in the Language of the People

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