Monday, November 23, 2020

Standing with Moral Courage

Unexpected challenges test the depths of courage that exists in each person. The virtue of courage helps a person to stand firm even as fear screams out to flee. General Douglas MacArthur in a speech on his eighty-fourth birthday affirmed: "Moral courage, the courage of one's convictions, provides confidence to see things through.”  

Moral courage is not afraid to do or say what is right. Samson, however, was capable of risking his life and the wellbeing of his people just to satisfy his passion of the moment. He seemed to enjoy playing risk-taking, dangerous games with his enemies. Is this courage or foolish behavior? 

Courage that has a healthy foundation is based on sound judgment which contains an element of fear but is not controlled by it. Jesus demonstrated moral courage as he faced his accusers, whose main objective was his execution. God's word to you is to stand firm, be of good courage and do not give up. Happy Thanksgiving week to you. 


But thank God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Stand firm then, my dear fellow Christians, and let nothing move you. Always keep on doing a great work for the Lord since you know in the Lord your hard work isn’t wasted.

~1 Corinthians 15:57-58 Beck – New Testament in the Language of Today


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