Friday, August 30, 2024

Is the Presence of Christ Jesus Available Everywhere?

The majority of people desire to be happy during special events like family celebrations. For some individuals and families, holidays may be difficult to face for a multiplicity of reasons. When death or a divorce  occurs, grief is sure to be present at one of several stages.

Suppression of hurt feelings, sadness, and anger is okay for a given period of time, but not indefinitely. Everyone has put aside certain feelings and thoughts momentarily for the benefit of others as well as for themselves.

Seeking the presence of Christ Jesus to endure difficult moments or conflicting situations is a helpful way to manage. Jesus is a very present help in times of stress or trouble. 

While an event may be stressful, it is possible to rejoice in the support and compatibility of friends and family. Comfort is found in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, so you can rejoice and be glad.                        


Jesus…said: “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go and make disciples of all people: Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always till the end of the world.”  

~Matthew 28:18-20 Beck – The New Testament in the Language of Today

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Can Special Events Promote Reconciliation?

Special events and celebrations may be a time of grief and sorrow due to the significant loss of a loved one through divorce, separation, or the passing away of a family member. Understandably, it may be difficult if not impossible for a family to be happy and cheerful.

Healing often depends on the level of compatibility that exists between family members. When there is mutual understanding and acceptance of each person’s emotional journey, coupled with abiding love and respect, then pathways to compatibility draw a family closer together.

Special events can be a time for remembering the past that may create sadness and grief, but also generate memories of happy times. 

Hope for today comes by realizing the extent of God’s love and favor that he has demonstrated in the past. Acknowledging God’s presence brings joy and security for now and the future. Focus on this promise. 


[O God, I will share my memories] about all your goodness and sing about your kindness. [You are] loving and merciful, slow to anger, and full of constant love.

~Psalm 145:7-8 Good News Bible

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Monday, August 26, 2024

How Do Controversial Issues Affect Family Peace?

Preparing for family events can be exciting, especially visiting with loved ones. These occasions usually parallel the degree of how much compatibility exists within the family. One thing that helps during family gatherings is for each person to agree to be a peacemaker rather than a troublemaker.

It will make a difference when each person commits to avoiding controversial issues. When everyone’s objective involves determination to be peacemaker, then flashpoints of conflict can be avoided. Each person is at liberty to celebrate and share areas of mutual happiness.

To prepare emotionally and spiritually for a family get-together, listen  to Psalm 25:6. “Remember, O Lord, your kindness and love which you have constantly shown me. Forgive the sins of my youth and cover me with your mercy and goodness.” Opportunities for new beginnings are possible, and this could be one for you.       


May God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement help you to  live in complete harmony with each other – each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other.  

~Romans 15:5 The Living Bible


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Friday, August 23, 2024

What Draws Families Closer to Each Other?

Compatibility within a family would seem to be a given because of genetics and shared experiences while growing up with each other. Kinship does make a difference but doesn’t guarantee compatibility or friendship. A mother and daughter or a father and son may not be of the same temperament or personality.

Compatibility may be difficult especially during childhood and adolescence yet may become easier as each person matures. For some families, compatibility is difficult because of diversity in ideas and personal objectives.

Family gatherings can be a time of exploring possibilities of long-range goals for family members. 

Agree to put aside differences that cause hurt feelings and conflict. Let Psalm 25:4 guide you. “Teach me your ways O Lord; make them known to me. Teach me to live according to your truth for you are my God who saves me.” Why not be open to that possibility?          


Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way … Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 

~1 Corinthians 13:4-5,7 Revised Standard Version


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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

What Creates Satisfaction in Relationships?

According to research, there are disagreements about what makes family get-togethers truly joyful and satisfying. Perhaps this identifies the need to enjoy each other’s presence, which includes communication that contributes to each person feeling loved and accepted.

Satisfaction depends on how compatible you are with whomever you share an event. My mom and dad had different views on what made a holiday event joyful and happy. My father loved for all of his children and grandchildren to visit at the same time. Mother, being a bit shy, loved for her children to come one family at a time.

God made us for each other and declared, “It isn’t good that man should be alone,” so he created a companion for him, assuring compatibility would thrive along with the presence of joy and contentment. Compatibility means that connectedness exists, highlighted by acceptance, satisfaction, and love. Determine to make this possible.  


Jesus answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? … What therefore God has joined together, let man not separate.” 

~Matthew 19:4-6 English Standard Version

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Monday, August 19, 2024

How Do God's Wisdom and Discernment Ease Strife?

What promotes joyful, happy family reunions is the absence of conflict and tension. Of course some stress and pressure are expected, but not disruptive arguments. Disagreement is possible, for everyone cannot always be on the same emotional page, but maturity will ease difficult moments.

God gives wisdom and discernment to those who seek it, who promote peace and harmony to avoid stress and contentiousness. How is this accomplished? Seek and promote compatibility and agreement rather than differences. Remember, some families cannot discuss issues like politics and religion, so these subjects should be avoided.

Proverbs 16:24 reminds us again that “Kind words are like honey – sweet to the taste and good for your health.” Words spoken with kindness encourage compatibility and maturity to dominate gatherings. This is the focus of joyful family get-togethers. Always think before you speak. 


[Jesus said,] “Every one, then, who hears the words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock.” 

~Matthew 7:24 Revised Standard Version

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Friday, August 16, 2024

How Can Family Reunions Be Kept Joyful?

Today we think of holidays as an occasion to be on vacation with family or friends – a time when rivalries of childhood and adolescence give way to maturity and growing compatibilities. Much has been written about family dynamics, which include communications and interactions.

The development of maturity and compatibility is encouraged by the requirements of adolescence and adulthood. Moving toward maturity is part of our physical and emotional development while pride and arrogance delay the development of maturity. According to Proverbs 16:18, “Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance to ruin.”

Holidays can be joyful by following the counsel of Proverbs 16:23. “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth and makes his lips persuasive.” So focus on compatibilities that exist within the family rather than disruptive differences. This is good advice for peaceful, happy family get-togethers.



Kind words are like honey – sweet to the taste and good for your health.

~Proverbs 16:24 Good News Bible


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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Can Old Rivalries and Jealousies Be Muted?

Holidays are designed to bring families together to celebrate events and special occasions. Joyful family get-togethers solicit from each person their best in generosity and compassion while holding in check whatever incompatibilities and immaturities that have always existed.

When stress builds up, however, individual immaturities will try to disrupt all peace and joy. In some families peace and joy are so fragile they have to be guarded to prevent conflict from erupting. So special effort is required to prevent old rivalries and jealousies from surfacing.

One simple rule to follow is to keep focused on the good that God provides. 

Proverbs 16:21 gives this reminder for peaceful, joyful fellowship: “Wise, mature people are known for their understanding. The more pleasant their words, the more persuasive they are.” Ask for God’s wisdom to discover compatibilities that are available and it will happen.       


Are any of you wise or sensible? Then show it by living right and by being humble and wise in everything you do.

~James 3:13 Contemporary English Version


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Monday, August 12, 2024

Can Immaturity Be Overcome?

Immaturity negatively influences a person’s willingness to admit failure or take ownership of irresponsible behavior. Immaturity blames others while refusing to face the truth. Refusing to be accountable for personal choices damages relationships, careers, and the trust and respect of others.

What often delays development of maturity is consistently being rescued from facing the consequences of reckless behavior. A father consistently rescued his son from facing the consequences of foolish choices. This son eventually passed the point of being rescued.

The unwillingness to face reality is an indication of immaturity. Listen to Proverbs 19:3. “A person can ruin their life by stupid choices but still blame it all on God or others.” By accepting reality and normal consequences, immaturity can eventually be transformed by the power of Christ Jesus. Will you permit it to be so?                


You, therefore, will be perfect [growing into spiritual maturity both in mind and character, actively integrating godly values in to your daily life], as your heavenly Father is perfect.

~Matthew 5:48 Amplified Bible 

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Friday, August 9, 2024

What Enhances Family Compatibility?

In family relationships, immaturity and incompatibility are issues that need recognition. Siblings may not share mutual compatibility because of difference in birth order, temperament, personalities, and maturity levels that impact compatibility.

Compatibility determines how comfortable or conflictual relationships will be. Some people are easier to love and favor than others, and this is shaped by the maturity level of the parents. They determine whether distance and conflict evolves or if love, compassion, and friendship take center stage.

Parent-child incompatibility can last a lifetime if encouraged to do so. Treating children with equality and spending quality time with each child can enhance or create compatibility. Family time builds compatibility, which prevents immaturity from dominating. 

God will bless the family who accept and worship him, who pray and read his word together.  


Do everything without grumbling or arguing. Then you will be the pure and innocent children of God…Try to shine as lights among the people of this world.

~Philippians 2:14-15 Contemporary English Version

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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What Strategies Are Required for Curbing Immaturity?

We are not privileged to live in a perfect world; neither are we without deficiencies. Yet success in a career or a relationship is determined by personal maturity, intelligence, social skills, and good choices. That said, each person is flawed to some degree, and this may surface in moments of vulnerability.

For most adults, immaturity tends to be suppressed, but in intimate relationships immaturity surfaces when life’s struggles expose flaws that cannot be hidden. Minimal immaturity can be tolerated by each person remaining focused on their compatibilities, where their love is anchored.

To prevent immaturity from taking dominance, focus on each other’s faith and love for Jesus Christ. A stable relationship is dependent on mutually loving one another. Above all else, love for God builds character, endurance, and determination to do what is right that nurtures compatibility


My friends, stop thinking like children. Think like mature people and be as innocent as tiny babies.

~1 Corinthians 14:20 Contemporary English Version


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Monday, August 5, 2024

Can the Fallout from Disappointment Be Limited?

Disappointment and immaturity are close companions that often line up together. Disappointments are experienced early in childhood and will continue throughout life. Young couples must adjust to the reality that marriage doesn’t produce all that was fantasized during courtship.

People struggling against immaturity will battle disappointment constructively rather than allow compatibility to be destroyed. Disappointment is felt by mature people, but it does not generate lasting discouragement. For stable marriages, compatibility atones for even serious disappointments.

Everyone may have experienced poor judgment, but corrections and recovery are possible. Hebrews 12 encourages believers to discipline their minds just as athletes train their weak arms and legs to win the prize.

Remember, God corrects everyone he loves, so be thankful for his love and correction.                            


I am confident of this: that the One who has begun his good work in you will go on developing it until the day of Jesus Christ.

~Philippians 1:6 Phillips – New Testament In Modern English

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Friday, August 2, 2024

Can Disappointment Be Motivation for Change?

Immaturity is a condition each person must struggle with at some level throughout life. Immaturity expresses itself in getting what you want, even to the detriment of self and others. Immaturity discounts or ignores what is unwise. Immaturity can be responsible for limiting compatibility.

What encourages struggling against immaturity is disappointment in yourself. Disappointment is caused by rejection of those who have experienced your immature behavior and have lost trust and respect for you. Failing to comply with what is normal behavior leads to others' loss of confidence.

However, disappointment within oneself can generate determination to fight against impulses to act immaturely.

Standing against immaturity is actually setting boundaries on irresponsibility. Psalm 37:3-4 implores you to “Trust in the Lord and do what is good and right, and he will give you your heart’s desire.”               


[The Lord says,] “I will bless the person who puts his trust in me. He is like a tree growing near a stream and sending its roots to the water. It is not afraid…”

~Jeremiah 17:7-8 Good News Bible

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