Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What Makes Peace with God so Important?

What contributes to our joy and peace when preparing to celebrate an event is feeling prepared. Being careful not to get so caught up in the excitement of travel plans and potential social gatherings can keep stress and pressure at a manageable level. Take a moment to slow down and enjoy the preparation.

So many good, wonderful things pass us by when we get distracted and fail take in what’s evolving around us. What matters is being close to those with whom we share an event. Focus on the compatibility and intimacy you are privileged to impart to other people.

Let your family know you appreciate and love them for being a positive influence in your life. Seek peace with God as a first step in re-establishing and keeping peace with others. 

Peace with God is the reason Jesus came into the world, so let him fill you with his peace. The peace of God calms the hassled, troubled heart.       


“I have told you all of this so that in me you will have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous, [be filled with joy]; I [Jesus] have overcome the world.” 

~John 16:33 Amplified Bible

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