essentials for effective change are insight, endurance and action, and usually develop
slowly in separate stages but may occur simultaneously. Insight generates honesty
with oneself and then stands with what is right and with authentic moral
decisions. Insight serves as a bridge to value formation and clarification.
Values lay the groundwork for the
development of self-respect and are incompatible with guilt, shame and disgust
with oneself. God does forgive our sins when we confess, repent and express faith
in Christ Jesus. Self-respect is a product of a clear conscience and is strengthened
by refusing to take the easy way through life's challenges.
5:22 identifies self-control as a fruit of the Spirit. So, insight is God’s
enlightenment that helps us make healthy choices. Self-respect derives from a
clear conscience and aids us in choosing the narrow way that leads to life now
and for eternity. The challenge is both difficult and rewarding.