Monday, June 17, 2024

How Is It Possible to Overcome Criticism?

Criticism cannot be separated from power struggles. In every relationship, there is a division of power, and that power is usually given according to position and responsibility. God designed the parents to share  power, while children’s influence must complement their maturity.

All power must include boundaries and guidelines for healthy living. Criticism that includes berating and insulting produces power struggles that may be impossible to reverse. People of all ages do not respond positively to criticism because it’s an assault on their personhood.

However the majority of individuals are receptive to correction when it addresses pertinent issues and engages in problem solving.

Listen to Proverbs 12:1: “To accept correction is wise, to reject it is stupid.” Ask God for wisdom, courage, and strength to accept it. Truth and honesty will overcome criticism.      


Be honest and you show that you have reverence for the Lord; be dishonest and you show that you do not. 

~ Proverbs 14:2 Good News Bible


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