Monday, June 10, 2024

What Helps Diminish a Critical Attitude?

Criticism’s objective is to identify a person’s faults that must be changed to satisfy the criticizer. Criticism becomes domestic abuse when words or physical actions diminish the fragile self of another person. Criticism damages trust, which is required for safety and security to exist in relationships.

All human beings, regardless of age or gender, possess a vulnerable self-image. One purpose of criticism is to cover up inadequacies in the criticizer. The emotional position of the criticizer is to focus on another person’s faults in an attempt to conceal their own inadequacies.

If you are given to being critical of others, ask yourself, what are my weaknesses and faults that have hung on like a dark shadow? Having a critical attitude is not God’s purpose for you. Instead, he desires for you to bless and not curse. A critical attitude diminishes as you see yourself and others as precious in God’s sight. 



Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths but only such as is good for building up, as it fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

~Ephesians 4:29 English Standard Version


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