are learned from significant others like parents, relatives, and friends. In
the textbook Psychiatry and Ethics,
the author relates how self-scrutiny and self-examination along with honesty
and sincerity were the wellsprings for helping him understand his behavior and
beliefs. Values define your character and the rules you live by each day.
Values reside in your conscience and
determine the multitude of choices you have to make wherever you are. If a
cashier at a store mistakenly failed to charge you enough for your purchase,
what would you do? Your first impulse might be to rejoice and say nothing. Would
honestly win the battle?
Parker said, "Following the Golden Rule would reconcile business and
labor, all political disputes and turbulence, all selfishness and greed."
It's hard to believe this, even harder to practice. Jesus said "Do unto
others as you would have them do unto you." Would you in good faith try
this for just one day? God will extend you a blessing that will make a