Friday, December 14, 2018

Faith: A Bridge to Survival

Jacob had a significant dream when he was running for his life. God promised him he would protect him, bless him, and bring him back to his homeland. Jacob believed God, which gave him confidence to endure the hard times that were to come his way. The power of faith God entrusted to Jacob built a bridge that guaranteed his survival.

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Believing in your heart and mind that God is you friend, your redeemer and protector encourages a resilience that withstands defeat.  Laban, Jacob's father-in-law, changed his wages ten times over twenty years.  Each time they agreed on a wage Laban changed the rules, so Jacob was always indebted to him.

Jacob was assured of God’s faithfulness when in his dream God reminded him, "I am the God of Bethel where you built an altar and anointed it with oil in reverence to me and where you made vows to me. Now leave this land and return to your homeland.” God doesn't overlook our flaws, but sin’s penalty is superseded by his grace, his unmerited pardon, and his mercy.

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