When passions become uncensored and out of bounds, moving against
others, even loved ones, with destructive behavior becomes a possibility. Samson
acted in ways that alienated. In a fit of anger he indiscriminately moved against
those who were the object of his fury. In this state of anger he left his new
wife and returned home to his parents.
Samson was unable to see how burning
anger resulted in irrational acts that caused him to move against those for
whom he cared. His behavior was also a move away from God. Whatever your
situation, God is willing to replace destructive passions with godly passions
that center on goodness and productivity.
Don’t be angry or furious. Anger can lead to sin.
All sinners will disappear, but if you trust the Lord,
the land will be yours.
~Psalm 37:8-9 Contemporary English Version