Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How Strong Is Your Commitment?

The word compatibility implies unity, harmony, and oneness on issues that have long-term significance for a couple or any other relationship. While the potential for compatibility may initially be evident when two people meet, in most cases it evolves as a relationship grows and matures.

Although the potential for compatibility is present, love and trust, respect and loyalty cannot be assumed but will depend on honest, open communication. There must be a mutual attraction for each other, a special chemistry that communicates the potential for belonging together.

Commitment solidifies compatibility by pledging long-term security

Colossians 3:1 describes this commitment: “Since you have been raised to life with Christ, set your heart on things above, where Christ reigns in power.” Commitment includes your body, mind, and spirit, which assures your soul is eternally secure.               


Keep in step with God’s love, as your wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to show how kind he is by giving you eternal life.

~Jude 21 Contemporary English Version

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