Friday, May 17, 2024

Does God Provide Cleansing from Sexual Abuse?

God designed the family to bring stability to each person and to society. He planned for love and affection as well as safety and security to dominate. Regrettably, stress and trauma created by violence in the family diminish or destroy the trust and security God intended.

Exposing children to sexually explicit material and activity fits the definition of sexual abuse. Symptoms of sexual abuse may be observed when the victim avoids individuals that remind them of past experiences. These include being vulnerable to places where abuse previously occurred.

Hope for healing comes from talking to a trustworthy person who has the capacity to understand, to comfort, to challenge and listen without passing judgment or creating guilt. God cannot be embarrassed or made to feel ashamed by what has happened to you, so he is able to bring refreshing cleansing to the body, soul, and spirit. 


Dear friend, do not be bewildered or surprised when you go through fiery trials, for this is no strange, unusual thing that is going to happen to you. Instead be glad because these trials will make you partners with Christ Jesus in his suffering and afterwards you will have the wonderful joy of sharing his glory.

~1 Peter 4:12-13 The Living Bible


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