Friday, May 24, 2024

What Drives the Need for Violence?

Domestic violence is so pervasive, it’s a main topic for the evening news. in addition to child and spousal abuse, domestic abuse includes ex-spouses, siblings, and in-laws. Violence creates distrust that may never be restored. It changes the family from a place of security and safety to one of fear and anxiety.

Violence creates victims, whether they’re a woman, man, adolescent or child. A clear example of this is seen when an older sibling physically and emotionally abuses a younger sibling because the younger sibling has threatened the other’s intelligence and identity.

A person resorts to violence out of a feeling of failure to measure up, yet the Lord God gives a healthy sense of power and identity to all persons who put their faith and trust in him. 

Jesus heals the broken-hearted and repairs the crushed spirit through his love and forgiveness. Complete healing by Christ alone will eradicate the need for violence. 


You, O Lord, have looked deep in my heart, and you know all about me. You notice everything I do and everywhere I go.

~Psalm 139:1,3 Contemporary English Version


God, create a clean heart in me and renew a right attitude within me…and let a willing attitude control me. Then I will teach transgressors you ways…

~Psalm 51:10,12-13 International Standard Version

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