Monday, May 6, 2024

What Is the Purpose of Placating Others?

Stress has the potentiality of becoming toxic to the human spirit and relationships. Some people believe the only way to manage stress is by placating, which means giving in rather than being confrontive where conflict is a possibility. The goal of placating is to please others so conflict can be avoided.

It’s not whether conflict or stress exists, but how they are managed. Most people placate others at times to reduce normal stress. However, there is an essential difference between pleasing others out of love and affection and pleasing to avoid conflict. Placating just to avoid conflict chips away at your integrity and self-respect.

Jesus rarely placated others who sought out conflict with him, nor did he attack those looking for conflict. Rather, Jesus met conflict in an intelligible manner by discussing issues, pointing out the truth from God’s word, and providing answers to tough questions. You can incorporate Jesus’ example into your life.



[Jesus answered the Jewish authorities,] I am not looking for human praise ... You like to receive praise from one another, but you do not try to win praise from the one who alone is God; how, then, can you believe me?”

~John 5:41,44 Good News Bible
Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, ... You have the words that give eternal life." 
~John 6:68 Good News Bible

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