Monday, May 20, 2024

What Defines Emotional Abuse?

Family life does not continually serve up happiness and joy, for no aspect of life is free of stress. Fortunately, moral and spiritual boundaries may prevent stress from evolving into physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. It’s apparent, however, that strife and violence in some families occur frequently.

Beyond physical and sexual abuse is emotional abuse, which consists of accusations, name-calling, withdrawal of affection and love, and physical abandonment. Bullying and threatening others by use of physical abuse is not what God intended, for it is the opposite of love and respect.

Curtailing emotional abuse is possible when there is a willingness to face the truth of its occurrence. Exposing guilt and shame to the light of God’s healing power is a necessity for healing. So remember that the Lord God is your source for courage and strength as you to seek healing for your body, mind and spirit. 


My help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

~Psalm 121:2 Good News Bible

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