Friday, September 20, 2024

How Is It Possible to Sustain Your Higher Calling?

Family gatherings are scheduled to celebrate special events in individuals' lives. These gatherings give family members a chance to connect and renew attachments that may have faded because of geographical distance or weakened emotional bonds.

We know there is a higher, more complex connection we are capable of sharing with God and a limited number of other people. We also know we can lose that connection through neglect. Listen to David’s plea from Psalm 61:2. “From wherever I am, though at the ends of the earth, when my heart is faint I call to you, O God. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”

David knew that only in God’s power was he capable of sustaining his higher calling. So hold firm to your faith and instantly seek God when you sense you are slipping away. Yoke yourself securely to Jesus each day and learn to live with the rock that is higher. God bless you.  


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Without me you can’t do anything. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers… If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” 

~John 15:5-7 Beck – New Testament in the Language of Today/New International Version

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

What Makes It Difficult to Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Jesus?

Every family gathering may present challenges and opportunities that are unexpected. How we respond depends on our old baggage or the emotional trappings related to our identity and self-esteem. Baggage can be connected to guilt from which forgiveness has not been received.

Hebrews 12:1 tells us to throw off everything that burdens us down, including sin that clings so closely, and then run with perseverance the race God sets before us. How can this be done? “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.”

Keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus means staying focused on Jesus to prevent discouragement from overtaking you. Philippians 3:14 reminds us to “forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead to win the prize for which God has called us.” May God turn his face toward you and cause his light to create a clear path for you. 


My eyes are ever looking to the Lord for help, for he alone can rescue me.

~Psalm 25:15 The Living Bible

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Monday, September 16, 2024

What Important Lessons Are Learned from Past Distresses?

If preparing for a family gathering has created apprehension and worry in you, then it’s time to wind down and let go of all negative expectations. Calming yourself is a necessary emotional task for experiencing the potential happiness a family gathering can deliver.

If past gatherings have not produced the happiness you expected, whatever you now allow yourself to anticipate can set you up for what has always been. The alternative is for God to use you to gradually change an old system into a joyful reunion.

Many important lessons in life are learned from experiencing numerous disappointments and hardships. Yet we as humans strive to make life easy. One way to make life meaningful is to make it your objective to love God with all you’ve got so that all things work together for good because you do love him and are called according to his purposes. Think about it.


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

~Psalm 32:8 Revised Standard Version

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Friday, September 13, 2024

What Make a Family Gathering Joyful?

A young woman told me recently that she regrets going to her in-laws for family gatherings but feels obligated to do so or else her husband and children would be sad and confused. This clearly identifies how difficult it is to tolerate the lack of mutual compatibility between some family members.

Incompatibility creates negative expectations, even at the thought of sharing time together. If this is your situation, focus on what created the love your spouse’s family feel toward each other. Is this similar to how you feel toward your family?

Look for the loving attributes in each person and in yourself, and stay focused on those throughout a gathering. So consciously commit to loving others as God loves you and you will be blessed. 

While God’s way is not always easy, eventually attitudes will change prompted by the love of God that resides in you.                  


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

~Romans 15:13 Revised Standard Version

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What Is the Primary Source for Joyful Living?

Family gatherings, for whatever occasion, elicit expectations that range from happiness and joy to anxiety or even a sense of dread. So much depends on the maturity level of each family member and the degree to which old conflicts and disagreements have been resolved.

Being willing to permit past troubles to remain hidden so peace can abound is possible. Accept the fact that each person has the potential to grow and mature with passing years and responsibilities. Instead of focusing on the past, ask God to help you see the person now before you who has matured.

Remind yourself that joy is found in loving fellowship with family and friends. Joy comes most abundantly in our union with the Lord Jesus Christ, who makes expressions of love and joy possible. Keep your expectations centered on God’s presence in you, so his peace can fill your heart and soul.                     


Let us come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let’s keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil….as we must hold tightly to the hope that we say is ours [in Christ Jesus].

~Hebrews 10:22-23 Contemporary English Version


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Monday, September 9, 2024

How Important is Gift-Giving at Family Gatherings?

Gift-giving at family gatherings or any other occasion is enjoyable when you know your boundaries and possess a vibrant love for those who will be surprised by your choices. It’s important to believe family and friends appreciate your effort to bring joy and happiness into their lives with a special gift.

However, if too much emphasis is placed on gifts rather than relationships, disappointment is sure to follow. Depending on gifts to compensate for lack of closeness or for past troubles and conflict is a slippery slope to try and navigate.

Believing gifts will make people happy and love you is attributing enormous power to gifts. God’s plan and desire is that those to whom he has given his best gift might remain joyful and at peace with one another. Keeping God’s love and what he has given in constant focus, contributes to your family gatherings remaining joyful and peaceful. 


Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together.

~Colossians 3:14 Contemporary English Version


Subscribe to the Attitudes Answers podcast on your favorite podcast platform to hear this and other 2-minute features 3 days every week. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

How Can Unpleasant Negative Thoughts Be Managed?

 I recently visited a large home center to purchase an item common to every household. The first person I asked for help sent me in the wrong direction. The next one asked another employee, who was willing to guess but didn’t actually know. Needless to say, unpleasant thoughts were beginning to accumulate.

Regardless of what provokes frustration, it’s incredibly important to consider the impact words and nonverbal communication have long after someone has experienced disappointment. Frustration is a natural consequence of failure, even while struggling to remain at peace within oneself.

It’s not uncommon to encounter frustration in the family or at family gatherings when stress surfaces that's been residing below a person’s consciousness. So it’s important to elevate patience to the top of each person’s priority list. Remember, “God will keep in perfect peace those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord.” 


So always trust the Lord because he is forever your mighty rock.

~Isaiah 26:4 Contemporary English Version

Subscribe to the Attitudes Answers podcast on your favorite podcast platform to hear this and other 2-minute features 3 days every week. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What Makes Peace with God so Important?

What contributes to our joy and peace when preparing to celebrate an event is feeling prepared. Being careful not to get so caught up in the excitement of travel plans and potential social gatherings can keep stress and pressure at a manageable level. Take a moment to slow down and enjoy the preparation.

So many good, wonderful things pass us by when we get distracted and fail take in what’s evolving around us. What matters is being close to those with whom we share an event. Focus on the compatibility and intimacy you are privileged to impart to other people.

Let your family know you appreciate and love them for being a positive influence in your life. Seek peace with God as a first step in re-establishing and keeping peace with others. 

Peace with God is the reason Jesus came into the world, so let him fill you with his peace. The peace of God calms the hassled, troubled heart.       


“I have told you all of this so that in me you will have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous, [be filled with joy]; I [Jesus] have overcome the world.” 

~John 16:33 Amplified Bible

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Monday, September 2, 2024

What Gives Hope for Future Happiness?

Happiness associated with a family gathering is dependent on many diverse factors, simply because of the expectations and demands of a celebration. Somewhere in the mix of the activities should be a reminder that the presence of Christ Jesus is there to bless the day’s events.

Holiday happiness can be relatively assured when there is an enduring compatibility between those who celebrate and God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Personal satisfaction is then linked to a loving family gathering, combined with the reality of deep abiding attachments. 

What ensures happiness for a family gathering is the mutual family compatibility that is enhanced by the peace of God

Compatibility defines a thriving connectedness with God and other people. You are enriched by the presence of Christ Jesus, who chooses to reveal himself to you as you choose to seek and love him.                      


Turn away from evil and do [what is right and] good. Try to live in peace [with one another] even if you must run after it to catch and hold it!

~1 Peter 3:11 The Living Bible

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