Monday, October 26, 2015

Treasure Hunting - Part 1

As I was having lunch, it was easy to hear the conversation next to me because the tables were close together. One man asked another, "What really matters to you?" He was challenging this person to face whatever had pushed him into becoming so self-absorbed that he was immune to what was eternal. Did the man care for anything other than himself?

Self-deception evolves into self-absorption, which is the ultimate in self-betrayal, because it leads to impoverishment of the self and soul. To betray oneself is to become so obsessed with laying up treasures here on earth, there is no time or energy to care for your own soul or the souls of others who love and care for you.

Productive change means altering your attitude about what's important. Jesus questions each of us. "What reward is there in winning the world only to lose your soul?" A better way is to turn from self-absorption and begin laying up treasures in heaven, which means to care for the souls of others. Jesus helps you reach this objective as it becomes your commitment.  

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