Saturday, October 24, 2015

Uncertainty to Assurance: Giving and Gaining - Part 3

By the time most adults hit their mid-thirties, the realities of life have begun to sink in. Most often we used self-deception to keep these realities at bay. We do this to avoid the normal pain each of us must face just for living. One reality that hits hard is that we all make mistakes. These mistakes can be costly, not only physically or financially, but emotionally.

The consequence for making mistakes is often embarrassment. Anger is a common response that tries to hide grief and sorrow. So many people think their big mistake was in their choice of a career or spouse. Instead of facing mistakes, we frequently use a form of self-deception by believing, "Someday my life will change, things will get better."

Choose to change by giving up self-deception. While mistakes are common, they can produce positive good. Be honest. How is this person or job beneficial, even a blessing? God is in the business of giving you hope, a change of heart, and a new spirit. Be open to what God can provide.  

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