Saturday, October 17, 2015

Stubborn Honesty or Stubborn Pride? - Part 3

Stubbornness can be an asset when it keeps a person in pursuit of worthy goals. Determination to succeed is most often needed when choosing to make worthy changes. Stubborn pride on the other hand, can be a detrement to love and intimacy. Stubbornness is closely related to fear of change, which requires trusting yourself into the care of another person.

Stubbornness is a reason for communication's breakdown with others or even with God, and the consequences can be severe. Leviticus 26:14 sends this  warning from God. "If you will not listen to me, I will punish you for your sins seven times over. I will break your stubborn pride. Your strength will be spent in vain."

But there's a better way, so choose to change by repenting and turning from stubborn pride to prevent awful consequences from coming down on you. The opposite of stubbornness is flexibility that begins by trusting yourself into the care of the Lord Jesus Christ. Discard false security which prevents you from experiencing the love, joy, and true security that God gives.  

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