suffer great sorrow when conflict is handled poorly. Bobby grew up in a family
riddled by conflict not only between his parents, but also between the parents
and their children. Although the family stayed intact throughout the years, it
produced children who grew into adulthood unable to establish stable marriages.
Bobby experienced growing up was a toxic response to conflict in which family
members intentionally and aggressively inflicted suffering and pain on each other.
However when problems of living are managed in a
healthy, godly way, the joy that should be produced by a relationship can be realized. Eventually, Bobby learned he could avoid becoming defensive and reactive by
accepting the fact that some conflict is unavoidable.
re-framing issues like anger and frustration, you can create a nontoxic response
to troubles. The Holy Spirit will give you godly insight
regarding troubles you have to face. His word instructs you to be transformed by
renewing your mind so you can know God’s will and purpose.
Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world,
but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you
will be able to know the will of God – what is good and is pleasing to him and
is perfect.
~Romans 12:2 Good News Bible